Friday, January 25, 2019

God Is Always On Time.

When you're in a season of trial and growth, sometimes it can be easy to slip into doubt mode. You may have even prayed and prayed and God seems "Silent" or you're wondering "Where is He?", or, "When it God going to show up?"

Let me encourage you to not listen to those voices because based on God's Word and even your own past experiences, you know God is always on time - no matter what! 

The negative voices you hear and the dialogue that goes on in your head during these seasons is a product of doubt and not a product of faith. Hold on to faith and reject all the negative voices of doubt...including the whispers of the enemy or other people.

God always shows up in His perfect timing so don't spend anymore time worrying and shift your faith into "high gear" as you know God is your rock always.

Read the following passages and be encouraged: 2 Peter 3:8-9, 1 Peter 5:6-8, James 4:13-17, Psalm 23:4, Matthew 6:25-34, Proverbs 3:5-6, Romans 5: 1-5, and Isaiah 41:10.

Your Brother and Servant In Christ,

Randolph Koch

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Your Words Matter

Do you find yourself speaking negative or defeating words to yourself or others? Do you speak words that often tear down? 

Let me ask you: 

#1 Whose are you? 
#2 What does the scripture say about our words and what kind of words we should speak? #3 In Christ, Are you a victim or a victor? 
#4 Would you rather speak or receive life giving words or the opposite?
I pray God helps us speak words that are acceptable to Him and as much as possible, brings life to the hearers...including ourselves.

Here are some of the many scriptures about our words and how they truly matter.
Psalm 19:14, Colossians 4:6, 1 Peter 3:10, Ephesians 4:29, Proverbs 15:4, Matthew 15:11, Proverbs 21:23, Proverbs 26:20, Psalm 34:13, Psalm 141:3, Titus 3:1-2, Proverbs 17:27-28, James 1:19-26

Lets work hard at choosing our words wisely as our words truly matter. May we strive to speak words that build up and don't tear down. Lets speak words of life! 

Your Brother and Servant in Christ,

Randolph Koch

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The "9 Keys To Walking In Christ" YouVersion Bible App Devotional Plan Just Turned 6 Months Old!


It's hard to believe that just a little over 6 months ago my first YouVersion Bible App devotional plan, "9 Keys To Walking In Christ", was released. (07/09/2018). This 9-Day plan is available in written and audio format. 

I wanted to share it again especially for those who have recently started following my little ministry. It simply an imperfect attempt to share 9 of the many practical things you and I can do to strengthen our walk in Christ. 

Here's The Plan description: "How do you walk in Christ? Like eating right and regular exercise, you have to be disciplined in exercising your faith to grow in your walk with Him. God's Word outlines many practical principles that will help you successfully walk in Christ. The aim of this devotional is to guide you through nine of the keys to help strengthen your walk."  

Here's the link to the plan:

More information below...

Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Do Not Forsake Assembling Together: We're Better Together!

Read: Hebrews 10:23-25, Romans 12:3-8, 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, Acts 2:44-47, Acts 4:33-35, and Proverbs 27:17. 

God's Word teaches us that from the very beginning it is by His design that He never intended mankind to be or do life alone. 

You can check out the first several chapters of Genesis for instance where He didn't want Adam to be alone so He created Eve. Furthermore, Adam and Eve had a direct relationship with God as well because they, like all of us where create for relationship with Him and others.

Woven through out the Old and New Testament we see God placing an emphasis on relationships and specifically in the New Testament He exhorts us that we are a part of the body of Christ and we play a specific part in relationship with others.

While it may not always feel like it, we are truly better doing life together.  And together, we are a part of something greater than ourselves.

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Happy New Year 2019: Entering the New Year With Hope and Prayer!

Read: Jeremiah 29:11-13, Mark 11:17, James 4:2, Matthew 7:7, Hebrews 4:16, Romans 5:1-5, 1 Corinthians 3:16, and Numbers 6:24-26

Happy New Year 2019!

Can you believe it’s a new year already!? As we look forward to any new year, we often look forward with the hope of better things to come and if you’re in Christ, you have much to remain hopeful about!

If we’re honest, sometimes we can lose sight of the hope we have because of the circumstances we face, but, we need to be sure that our hope is grounded completely in The Lord or it’s not true hope at all! Why? Because if our hope is in Christ, this is not a temporal hope as hope in Him is an unshakable hope! This is the true hope that is built on the unshakable foundation of Jesus!

Let me encourage you to remember during every season of life, including all that’s ahead in this New Year, that nothing you face can shake the hope you have in Him!

Hold on to hope in Christ! Don’t allow anything to steal your hope and may you realize that your faith and hope should grow even stronger through the help of The Holy Spirit.
It’s been an especially challenging year for many of us for sure and for some it’s been a year of blessings upon blessing.

Regardless of what you’ve experienced, it’s still a perfect time to reflect on all the Lord has done in your life and to take a perspective, or “pulse” check to see where you are in your walk and life with the Lord.

He calls each of us to seek Him with all of our heart and promises that we will find Him and He will listen. Enter the New Year focusing on building and enhancing your prayer life. Based on His Holy Word we know that He wants our churches, the Body of Christ as whole, and ourselves to be “Houses of Prayer” or in sum, focus ourselves on prayer as He emphasizes that prayer should be a priority.

If the Lord wants us to pray, and it’s a true priority to Him, then why don’t we in turn really pray!? In fact, the Lord is the best role model of this for us as He constantly went to pray to the Father and He called His Disciples to pray many times. Each of us should be a house of prayer as we are His temples. (See 1 Corinthians 3:16) Not only this, but, He just plainly deserves our prayers and everything we are. Not to sound somewhat cliche but we should really become true “Prayer Warriors”, as this life is a real battlefield, spiritually and physically.

In Jim Cymbala’s book "Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire", he has this to say about the apostles’ priority of prayer,
“The apostles had this instinct: When in trouble, pray. When intimidated, pray. When challenged, pray. When persecuted, pray.”

What a great observation! What a truly awesome challenge for us- Can we like the apostles, make prayer our priority in every circumstance, even when we’re not facing troubling times? Just making prayer so much a part of us that we pray throughout the day or set a special portion of the day a side to, intercede, cry out, praise, thank, communicate, etc., with Him through prayer! He wants to hear from us. It pleases Him so much when we focus our attention on Him through prayer.

Why not forget the New Year resolutions this year and consider instead, seeking God’s will for your life and telling Him the desires of your heart? Why not pour yourself out to Him through your fervent prayers and serving Him and others?

May you renew your commitment or begin making prayer a vital part of your life- every day! This can begin with you and I then maybe, just maybe, our example of a prayerful and a “prayer full” life will spread to the Body of Christ as a whole, then on into every Christian Church locally where ever we live around the world?! We can then be the houses of prayer, as the Lord would desire us to be.

Why not make this year an even more special New Year, by entering it in prayer! Seek Him today with all of your heart and be encouraged that He desires this and is ready and waiting to hear from you.

Ring in the New Year filled with hope and prayer!

Questions To Get Started With:
-What or Who is the foundation of your hope?
-What are the barriers in your life to holding on to true hope in Christ?
-Do you remain hopeful no matter the circumstances you face?
-Will you help build others up with the hope you have in Christ?
-Will you make prayer a priority in your life this New Year?
-Will you “pray in” the New Year this New Year’s Eve?
-What kind of changes do you need to make in order for prayer to be a priority?
-If prayer is already a priority for you, what can you do to encourage others to pray?
-Do you know someone that can help you be accountable to your commitment to the Lord in your walk with Him?
-Consider keeping a prayer journal chronicling / highlighting your prayer times with Him, answers to prayer, the revealing of His will for you over time, etc. This is a great exercise for us to make a habit to see Him at work in our lives.

Again, Happy New Year! Keep Seeking, Serving, and Loving Him with all that is within you! 

Your Brother and Servant in Christ,
Randolph Koch
-Founder and Servant-Shepherd of A Shepherd’s Heart

Friday, December 21, 2018

Merry Christmas From A Shepherd's Heart 2018!

Merry Christmas from A Shepherd's Heart!
Here's a reading of Luke 2:1-35 (Begins about 28 seconds in) with a little Christmas music.
I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating the birth of Christ.

Merry Christmas,
Your Brother and Servant In Christ,
Randolph Koch
-Founder and Servant-Shepherd of A Shepherd's Heart

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Celebrate Christmas With All Your Heart!

Read: Luke 2, Matthew 2:1-16 and Colossians 2:16

Christmas, it's a special time of year when we celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. 

I love this time of year and whether or not people realize it, it all points to Jesus and the truth of why He came in the first place!

It's sad to me that there are some who choose to not celebrate Christmas. They state various legalistic opinions such as:

  • "We're not told to celebrate Christmas in the Bible."
  • "Christmas is a pagan holiday"
  • "Jesus wasn't really born in December".
  • "Santa is really satan in disguise."
  • "Christmas is a made up commercial holiday".
  • "Jesus wasn't born in December!"

This is just a few of the many supposed reasons.  Granted, it's their choice of course to not celebrate but I have to scratch my head as to why knowing The One we celebrate as well as the behavior of some of these toward those who do celebrate Christmas!

Unfortunately, some of these same people go as far as vilifying those in the body who do celebrate the birth of Christ and I've been harangued by those same sorts. Honestly, some act like certain cult groups do in their choice not to celebrate Christmas. They have their opinion and it's just that, their opinion. They choose to not celebrate the most important birth and birthday ever!?

There was one recent year where every time I posted something about Christmas here on my website or social media, I was met with criticism and name calling as if I was breaking some some teaching in the scripture and I was going to lose my salvation!? It was completely ridiculous! 

I also find it ironic that some of these same naysayers will gladly celebrate the victories of their favorite sports teams and yet they won't celebrate the birth of their Savior?! Go enjoy your large quantities of boneless chicken wings, nachos, and the brew of your choosing (not that I recommend this)...oh, wait, gluttony is something God's Word does actually teach against! Oh, never mind...there I go talking about what's actually in the scriptures instead of just an opinion. Silly me. (Read Proverbs 23:2, Proverbs 23:20-21, Proverbs 28:7 for starters.)

So, whether you choose celebrate the birth of Christ or not, I believe it has everything to do with the perspective of what you focus on. Either you focus on and celebrate His Birth or you don't. 

If you're a follower of Christ who has received his free gift of salvation, let me encourage you in that you have the freedom and permission in Christ to celebrate Christmas as its a celebration of the birth of Christ which is the most important birth and birthday ever! 

You are not breaking scripture by celebrating and rejoicing in His Birth! 
You will not lose your salvation by celebrating and rejoicing in His Birth! 

He is worthy and deserving of our praise, including celebrating His advent, (arrival aka His birth/birthday) upon this earth according to God's plan! If we celebrate His birth, it's grounded in The Word of God as we celebrate the King of Kings who came and humbled Himself entering the world as a baby. His entry ultimately led to His sacrifice on the cruel cross many years later taking on the sins of mankind so that through receiving His free gift of salvation we might have forgiveness and life! 

Now, was Jesus born in December? Most likely not, but, The Church chose a date at some point in church history to celebrate and commemorate that which we can celebrate all year long of course! There's nothing wrong with celebrating on December 25th or another date for countries that observe Christmas earlier or later. 

Just as the scripture teaches us that no one is to judge us for what we eat, drink or festivals we choose to celebrate, (Read Colossians 2:16),  if you keep your celebration focused on Christ's birth and grounded in God's Word, you can and should celebrate Christmas with your whole heart regardless of what others choose to do or say! 

We have much to rejoice in His birth and if He didn't come, we would not experience His gift of salvation or the gift He is!

Let me ask: Did they celebrate His birth in the scriptures? Most definitely they did! 

  • Read Luke 2 for instance where the shepherds, and others came upon notice from the angel and worshiped Jesus and celebrated His birth. (Luke 2:8-20)
  • Furthermore, some time later, the magi came to worship and celebrate Him, worship Him,  and they even brought gifts! (Matthew 2:1-16)
  • You can also read where Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple, and He was celebrated there too! (Luke 2:22-35)

So, join me in celebrating THE most important birth and birthday ever with all your your heart and don't let anyone steal your joy or judge you for doing so! 

We will celebrate Jesus now and we'll celebrate Him for all eternity! 

Merry Christmas! 

Because He Is the Reason For The Season,
Your brother and servant in Christ,

Randolph Koch

P.S. For your enjoyment: Here are versions of my two Christmas devotionals that were published last month. 

If you click on the daily devotional title the scripture references will be there for reading.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Free Resource From A Shepherd's Heart For Celebrating Advent!

Hello and Merry Christmas! 

I absolutely love Christmas time and incorporating an Advent into the time of celebration can be a fantastic way to help focus our hearts, worship, and celebration on the birth of Christ - The reason we celebrate CHRISTmas in the first place!

I created a Celebrating Advent guide, that is written from a non-denominational Christian perspective, as a simple tool/guide/starting point to help guide you in your observance. 

This resource is perfect to use as an individual, with family and friends or for your local church body as well to celebrate together!

As you'll see, there is practical information about Advent, instructions to guide you each week of Advent including suggested Scriptures and Prayers you can use or you can obviously do your own prayers and dive further into the scriptures as well. 

Download your free copy today via this link:  Celebrating Advent

No matter what, have fun, make it personal as you approach Him with a humble and thankful heart!

Have a great Christmas and Advent celebration as you celebrate the birth of Christ!

Please check out this resource and tell your friends about it as well as we seek to follow Christ and keep Him in the center of our Christmas celebration!

Because He is The reason for the season,

Randolph Koch
     -Founder and Servant-Shepherd of A Shepherd's Heart

P.S. If you haven't heard, excited to share that 2 of my Christmas Devotionals just went live in in the YouVersion Bible App and Website! 

Here are the links to both plans! 
Christmas: The Promise Fulfilled. 

The Wonder of Christmas. 

Monday, November 26, 2018

The Christmas Devotionals Are Now Live In The YouVersion Bible App and Website!


Thank you for visiting the A Shepherd's Heart Blog! 

I'm excited to share that my Christmas Devotionals are now live in the YouVersion Bible App and Website. 

Here are the links to the two plans:

Will you please be a part of my launch team?

If so, Here are the three simple things I need your help to do:

#1 Please join me in praying for a successful launch - that people will be encouraged by the scriptures they read and study via the devotionals.
#2 Please spread the word to your family and friends about these devotionals!
#3 Please also subscribe to the plans in the app yourself.

Thank you!

Your Brother and Servant in Christ,

Randolph Koch

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving!

I wanted to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!

I / We have much to be thankful for as God is so good to us!  I pray we regularly pause and consider how blessed we truly are!

Psalm 118:1 (ESV) Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever! May we daily

I'm thankful to and for The Lord, my family, friends, the body of Christ...including you!

I pray you have a wonderful day!

Your brother and servant in Christ,

Randolph Koch

Friday, November 02, 2018

Growth In Unexpected Places.

Isaiah 45:2a "I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight"... (KJV) 

I recently went on a great and challenging 12 mile hike through the Tillamook Trail Head. 

The forest was beautiful. Got to love the beauty of nature/creation!

It started out as a cloudless morning, followed by fog one way, and on the way back, heavy clouds rolled in, followed by heavy rain and wind which made for a challenging hike back to the beginning. One cool feature on this hike is there is a viewpoint that is the closest you can get from the Oregon Coast to the Tillamook Rock Lighthouse. 

I captured this tree on the pathway as I found it elbow or crooked shaped tree next to a crooked and very uneven pathway with some fog rolling in. 

It made me think of the reality of how sometimes our personal growth comes on the paths we're on that we think start off straight but one circumstance to another it becomes crooked, challenging, or less clear.

The physical path I was on that day was full of rocks, roots, divots, muddy patches, and more and then the skies opened up with very heavy rain and a little river ran through it due to heavy rain and wind! lol.

It's kind of like life as it wasn't a smooth pathway but growth often comes from some of the crooked or uneven pathways we travel on as life isn't always clean cut or smooth and as we persevere we grow in many ways through the process.

Whether it's a crooked path, or it feels like you've come to the end of the path and you're at the edge of a cliff, trust that God is on your side and will lead you to safety, because, with God, the path ends up being straight in the end even though while we travel it, it sure doesn't feel like it! :-) 

So, here's to growth and here's to more adventures in this thing called life! Now on to the next adventure and time of growth! 

Your Brother and Servant In Christ,

Randolph Koch

Friday, October 19, 2018

God's Protection Over You.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

In the book of Job, God states this about Job: “that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, who fears God and turns away from evil.”(Job 1:8)

Then the evil one responds with, “Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has?” (John 1:10)

Even the evil one knows that God is Job’s and our protection and no matter how satan might roam around looking to try and devour us (See 1 Peter 5:8), we are under God’s protection!

Just like the barrier of thorn bushes people used especially in ancient times to protect themselves and their livestock from predators, God is our “hedge of protection / hedge of thorns" against the schemes of the enemy.

Furthermore, God has also given us the protection of His full armor that we need to put on and wear daily. (See Ephesians 6:10-20)

Be encouraged today that God is your protector!

My prayer for you in Jesus mighty name, is that His Hedge of Protection and His Full Armor will be upon and around you and your household as you live for and serve Him all the days of your life as He alone is your protector, refuge, deliverer, and provider!

Read Psalm 91 for further encouragement of God’s protection of you.

Your Brother and Servant In Christ,

Randolph Koch

P.S. I could really use your ongoing help through prayer and other support. Please visit to find out how you can help me in moving A Shepherd's Heart forward. 

Friday, October 12, 2018

The Fruit of The Spirit - Gentleness

Gentleness is a fruit of The Spirit that this world desperately needs. 

With the actions we continually see, it’s clear that we as human beings need to grow in gentleness. Gentleness isn’t just about physical actions but it’s equally in what and how communicate. 

We see the lack of gentleness each time someone takes to their phone or computer keyboard to have a "discussion" which turns into a destructive mess because they say and such a way that it's clear the aim is to shred their "opponents" if possible. They obviously don't care about the receiver of that "shredding" as they just want to force their viewpoint...which isn't gentle. I also observe that many times these same people who hide behind their keyboards never act that way in person and rarely say and act that way when confronted with a real person face-to-face. 

We see a lack of gentleness in how we respond to one another in many other ways as well so we know gentleness is a fruit that many more of us need The Holy Spirit's help to bear!

As follower's of Christ, we need to remember that there's a direct correlation to the fruit we bear and our conduct as our conduct is the evidence of the fruit we bear.

Our Father in Heaven wants us to be like more like Him through being more Christ like! We are called to be more Christ like and the Holy Spirit is at work in us to be more like Him and part of this is through the fruit of the Spirit.

We're challenges in Ephesians 4:14-16 that we're to do our part in the body of Christ and operating in gentleness is a part of it. 

Each of us walking in the Spirit helps things operate properly and contributes to our growth and the growth of others. (Verses 15-16) There's also a principle in this passage that as we grow in our walks with The Lord, we will no longer fall pray to false doctrine, people or their schemes. (Verse 14)

There’s a spiritual and practical maturity that this passage describes here that He wants you and I to possess. 

The Fruit of the Spirit is a mechanism by which He accomplishes these things in our lives.

Definition of Gentleness:

The Greek Word 'prautés' is translated in Galatians 5 as mildness, gentleness, gentle strength.

Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology – Gentleness: Sensitivity of disposition and kindness of behavior founded on strength and prompted by love.

What is the opposite of Gentleness? 

From my perspective, things such as anger, wrath, revenge, pride, arrogance, roughness, rudeness, violence, harshness and much more are the opposites of gentleness. 

Reflections on Gentleness:

As I reflection on Gentleness, here are some of the things that come to my mind:
  • Gentleness is an attitude of the mind and heart.
  • Gentleness puts God & Others First.
  • Gentleness allows us to be more caring toward others.
  • Gentleness is shown through our response toward others.
  • Gentleness is also shown through being humble – humility.
  • Gentleness and humility are closely connected in God’s Word.
Gentleness in some translations of the Bible is translated as meekness but with either translation it doesn’t translate to and does not equate to weakness; rather, it’s showing great strength through showing restraint and as you read the Gospels – you see Jesus show great restraint at times and great power at times.

Examples of Gentleness:

Read: Matthew 11:29, Isaiah 40:11, John 13:4:17

The Gentleness of the Father and Son:
In Matthew 11:29 Jesus makes a connection for us between Gentleness and Humility and He’s an example of this throughout His earthly ministry.

He possessed power beyond measure yet He said learn from Him as He’s Gentle. So, look to Him as your example in all things. Immeasurable strength and power and yet displays gentleness toward us.

In Isaiah 40:11 we see that the all powerful one loves and leads us as a shepherd leads His flock. This was especially relevant to the people of that time period. In other passages Jesus refers to Himself as The Good Shepherd. (John 10:11-18)

In John 13:4-17 Jesus washes the disciples’ feet in an act of gentleness and humility. 
In this act we see the gentleness and others focused nature that Christ modeled for us. He humbly washed the feet of the disciples. He was is the King and yet He served others.
He knew at that time that Judas had betrayed Him and yet, He washed His feet.

We also see it in John 4 when He spoke to the Woman at the well. Or John 8:1-11 when He spoke to the woman caught in adultery.

To clarify, I don’t want to you think that I’m painting Jesus like some do as a pacific or wimpy, rather, He was far from that. There were times when Jesus was very assertive because He needed to speak directly to people and did so in a very blunt way and He has power and authority to do so but this doesn’t negate His amazing example of Gentleness for us. 
Your calling to Gentleness

You need to understand that there’s a connection between your words and actions with Gentleness.

IF we’re honest, we’re not always the most patient or gentle people. We sometimes are short or impatient with our responses. We’re sometimes angry and spiteful. We’re sometimes impolite. Its something that we all need to get better in!

Read: Proverbs 15:1, Philippians 4:5, Ephesians 4:1-2, 2 Timothy 2:24-25, Isaiah 55:9, Matthew 18:15-20, and John 3:30.
Proverbs 15:1 
You need to understand that your words and our actions are influential. You can impact others negatively or positively. Your words can speak life or death to the hearer. You can help or hurt by what you do and say.
Philippians 4:5 
You need to be as even keeled as possible and seek to be at peace with others.
In your career and life overall, this is important!

Ephesians 4:1-2 
A worthy walk is the goal or should be because we point people directly back to the One Who saved us. How we conduct ourselves, such as Paul described matters, why because the people around you matter! Gentleness is a part of that walk.

2 Timothy 2:24-25 
Have you ever had a quarrel or disagreement with your family, friend or co-worker?
Or, Do you find that you tend to instigate quarrels because you have to be right or assume the worst? Or do you find yourself impatient with your parents when they give you instruction, correction or an assignment for a given topic? Or do you find your tenancy is to assume the worst with your parents or siblings?

You need to ask yourself regularly…
  • Do I seek to teach others and am I teachable?
  • Is my life a reflection of a worthy calling?
  • Do I conduct myself with humility and gentleness? 
Isaiah 55:9
Gentleness recognizes that His ways are higher than your ways. Instead of the arrogance like we often see that “I got it all together” attitude, there’s a recognition that God is in control. You don’t have to have all of the answers. But He Does!..And no...none of us have it all together! 

Matthew 18:15-20
When we correct others: Do it in Gentleness like we see in Matthew 18 as it’s God’s prescription for addressing and correcting sin with hopes that person will repent and be restored. It’s meant to be a gentle and loving process not a harsh and unloving one.

It has peoples best in mind. 
John 3:30
Gentleness must also recognize that Jesus must increase and we must decrease.

Life is not about arrogance or ego…it’s all about Him. 

How to Grow in Gentleness:

Ask the Holy Spirit for help in growing in Gentleness. Prayer is vital! 

Abide in God's Word. As you fill up your heart, mind, and soul with God's Word, you will grow to know Him more and in turn, you'll be able to live out the wisdom and knowledge of His Word in very practical ways day-by-day!

You also have to choose and and strive to be gentle as much as possible. 

If you allow the Holy Spirit to lead you, you will over time become filled with Gentleness and the other fruit of the Spirit.

Exhortation to grow in Gentleness:

When you think of Gentleness, you can think of Jesus, the Creator of the Heavens and the earth, who showed great strength, humility and restraint when He washed the feet of the disciples and took the cross for you and. 

He epitomized gentleness.

As you live the life God has blessed you with, always remember how you can and do impact others whether in a good or negative way.

For example, the next time someone says something harsh to you or that you don’t like, consider answering gently…or consider if you need to answer at all.

Consider the attitudes, words and actions of the past, and then…Consider what you might need to adjust in your life so you can represent Christ and relate to others better as you seek to operation in the Fruit of The Spirit.

Lastly, let's pray for one another that God will help us continue to grow in The Fruit of The Spirit of Gentleness and that we'll strive to be gentle in what we do for His Kingdom and Glory. 

Your Brother and Servant in Christ,

Randolph Koch

P.S. I could really use your ongoing help through prayer and other support. Please visit to find out how you can help me in moving A Shepherd's Heart forward.