Friday, September 06, 2019

Your Children and Their Choices Don't Define You.

A Little Disclaimer: I've had a draft of this article/encouragement sitting in my queue to finish 
for months and I thought now is a good time to finally finish it with the season I'm currently in. :-)

As my wife and I move into the next phase of life with all of our 5 children being young adults now, I've been reflecting on all the child raising years. 

I've noted my own strengths, weaknesses, successes, and mistakes and yet despite all my short comings and even the good things I've done, I see that my adult children are making good decisions. They are owning their faith and relationship with The Lord and working toward their adult goals. I have no doubt that they will do well with God has their guide and I will continue to pray for them and be a line of counsel as they make their way. 

My aim in this article is to briefly touch on several parent related topics with hopes that you may find encouragement no matter the season you're in and no matter the actions your children choose. May you have a glimpse of God's grace and a renewed hope in The Lord as you continue your journey. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Is God's Love 'Reckless'? (Having a high and right view of God and His Word.)

Is God's Love 'Reckless'?
(Having a high and right view of God and His Word.)

As a followers of Christ, worshiping The Lord through how we live our lives as well as through song is an important aspect of our relationship with Him. He is worthy of our praise!

In everything we do it's vital that we have a right Biblically accurate view of God. It's important that we think and communicate about Him in an honoring way in all we do. 

In other words, we need to have a high and right view of God and His Word. 

Friday, August 23, 2019

Live Life On Purpose!

 "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds"
Hebrews 10:24 (NIV)

I wanted to simply take a moment and remind you that you should never underestimate the impact you have in and on the lives of others whether in "big" or "small" ways. You never know how God will use you in someone's life! God does want to use you! 

Wouldn't it be incredible if someone looked at you and said, "Because of your impact on my life, because of God working in and through you, I didn't give up!"...and "Because of your influence in my life, I now want to life on purpose for His Kingdom and Glory too!"!? 

You probably already are helping or have helped people not give up but you don't know it because they haven't told you yet! 

Keep pressing forward! You can inspire others! You can, do, and are making a difference in this world! 

Let's help each other not give up! Let's help each other live life on purpose for His Kingdom and Glory!

Let's be an inspiration to those around us as we just may be the one on a given day that helps them...not give up and helps them live life on purpose!  It only take a spark, and you might just be the spark God wants to use to impact others. 

THANK those who have helped me...Not Give Up! 
THANK those who have helped me live life on purpose! 

God wants us to live life on purpose/with purpose for do it day-by-day!

You're Brother and Servant in Christ,

Randolph Koch

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

In Celebration of Our 25th Wedding Anniversary!

Dear Friends of A Shepherd's Heart,

I wanted to share that today, August 20, 2019 is a very special day as it's my wife Angela and my 25th wedding anniversary! (08/20/1994)

Happy Anniversary Angela!!

Friends, I'm reminded that love is gift from God. His love especially is a gift but also the love He blesses two imperfect people with to share within the covenant of marriage.

I've heard it said that, "Love does not consist of merely gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction."  - Unknown

25 years ago today my wife Angela and I began a journey of looking forward together in the same direction in life including the same direction in pursuing and serving God and serving others.

We've experienced many good times and times of trials and it's amazing to look back and see all that we've been through, all that God has brought us through!

All of these things have made us stronger and we've been blessed many times over together as well as through the 5 children God has blessed us with!

I married a strong, godly, independent, intelligent lady who is beautiful inside and out.

She continues to blossom even more into who God has created and called her to be the 27 years I've been blessed to know her! (We dated for a year, were engaged for a year, and have been married for 25 years)

In 25 years of marriage she has helped me be a better man, husband, dad, friend, communicator, writer, follower of Christ, and servant.

In reflecting on our years of marriage, I'm drawn back to the truths of God's Word. In 1 Corinthians 13 where God instructs us that love is patient, kind, and doesn't seek its own. He also says that love bears, believes, and hope all things...and that love never fails or ends. He enables us to be able to love this way by His strength and the work of The Holy Spirit.

Love isn't always easy but it's a daily choice. Love is a commitment, it's sacrificial, and it's active. You also don't stop loving when you have a bad day, rather, you stay resolute in love and in the covent you made between each other and God.

Without God working in our lives we would not be celebrating our 25th Anniversary as He's the One Who joined us together and He has continued to sustain us all these years.

I trust that He will no doubt continue to sustain and enable us to love and care for one another.

I'm thankful that God gives us the capacity, strength, and will to love.

I'm thankful for the gift of marriage.

I look forward to continuing to look and head the same direction together in the adventure and journey that still lies ahead.

Here's to many more years to come!

Friends, Thank you for your prayer covering as Angela and I continue to head the same direction together in Jesus name.

Sincerely In Christ,

Randolph Koch

A Recent Christmas Time. 

Friday, July 12, 2019

Got Hope?

Read Psalm 42:11, Romans 15:13, Romans 5:3-5, 1 Peter 1:3, 1 Peter 3:15

Truth be told, I may be kind of a nerd at times as I enjoy SciFi movies and books from time to time. I also nerd out on new technology and many other things like random facts and more. 

When I was a young kid I recall seeing the original "Star Wars" movie when it first came out in the local movie theater. 

Ok, I may have just dated myself a bit as that was a LONG time ago in sort of a galaxy far far away...but back to my point in sharing this. :-)

There's a scene that has stuck with me over the years and it's the scene where Princess Leia pleads for help from Obe Wan Kenobi and she finishes with the line, "You're our only hope." 

Hope in general and hope of help or deliverance is such a powerful thing. 
Let me ask you, in what or in whom do you put your hope in? 

As followers of Christ since we've experienced salvation in Him, and as we study God's Word, and walk with Jesus daily, we know true hope. In Christ, we know our hope is in Him.

Hope in Jesus will never disappoint. 

No fictitious character, no person, no thing can be our true hope as Jesus is The Only Hope for our lost and broken world. He is our only hope, period. 

If you don't put your hope in Him, you don't have or know true hope. 

Let me encourage you to put your hope in Him friend and no one or nothing else.

In Christ Alone,
Your Brother and Servant,

Randolph Koch

Tuesday, July 09, 2019

The 1 Year Launch Anniversary Of "The 9 Keys To Walking In Christ" YouVersion Devotional Plan!!

Dear Friends,

Today is a special day for me as it marks 1 year since the launch of my devotional, "9 Keys To Walking In Christ" in the YouVersion Bible App and website which launched July 9, 2018!!

I'm so thankful that God opened up this opportunity for me to serve the body of Christ through this incredible tool! 

The Devotional Plan: 
Just in case you are new to A Shepherd's Heart and or haven't completed the plan before, here's the link:  

If you use the YouVersion Bible app and open the above link in your phone, it will open via the YouVersion app. If you're using a PC, you'll be able to open this via the web version. 

Please note that the YouVersion app version also includes an audio version along with written version, however, the web version does not include the audio version. 

Let's Celebrate! 
1. To help me celebrate this launch anniversary, if you haven't completed the plan already, please sign up to do the plan and then complete the plan.  

2. Once you complete the plan, send me an e-Mail via and I'll send you a special e-Book version of the devotional complete with audio version links via SoundCloud as a thank you! (and as this year's birthday gift to you :) on my birthday.) 

3. Please also share this plan with your family and friends including those in your home church! 

Fun Facts: 
  • Over 12,000 people have subscribed to the plan in this past year.
  • Of the 12,000 subscribers, almost 8,000 people have completed the plan! 
  • The audio version in the app was read/recorded by me and edited by my son Noah Koch

Closing thoughts and Next Steps: 
Since the launch of this plan, I've published 2 more plans (back in November 2018) which are Christmas focused and please stay tuned for more devotionals to launch in the near future! 

I'll be sure to reveal the next devotional title/topic with you as soon as possible. 

Thanks for your prayers, encouragement, and celebrating God's goodness along with me! 

Many blessings in Christ, 
Your Brother and Servant, 

Randolph Koch

Thursday, July 04, 2019

Happy Independence Day - USA!

Happy Independence Day - USA! 
Dear Friend,

Don't ever take your freedom for granted! Freedom came at a great price! 

If you are in Christ, don't ever take your freedom in Christ for granted either!

Your freedom came at a great price as Jesus sacrificed it all so you can have salvation and freedom from the bondage and wages of sin! 

Freedom in Christ doesn't have to be renewed each day because he paid for your freedom in full, but, we definitely need to walk in the new life He's given us and again never take His sacrifice for granted! 

God has truly shed His grace upon us! Let's praise His mighty name for His love, goodness, mercy and grace!

Happy 4th of July my friends!

Your Brother and Servant in Christ,

Randolph Koch 

-Founder and Servant-Shepherd of A Shepherd's Heart

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Fresh Eyes On Humility and Confession

Read Philippians 2:1-11, Psalm 119:105, and Matthew 5:16

Do you ever arrive at a familiar passage of Scripture, one that you've read and studied many times, and God shows you an insight that you possibly missed several times before?

It's not uncommon for us to sometimes gloss over the truths He teaches us but I'm thankful for His patience toward us while we finally learn something He's likely been trying to teach us for a long time! 

It's no doubt that God's Word is a lamp to our feet and light to our path just as Psalm 119:105 says and I'm thankful God illuminates us soul, minds, and spirit so we may live more faithfully for Him, His Kingdom, His glory.

As we abide in God's Word we are sure to find rich truths through His instructions for us.

Philippians 2:1-11 is no exception because the passage if full of truths to unpack and apply to our lives. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

A Tent-Making Journey and You're Input and Prayers Are Appreciated!


From time to time we'd like to share a bit more about the background, current happenings, and prayer requests of A Shepherd's Heart. 

1. Facts about A Shepherd's Heart: 
Did you know that since the very beginning, A Shepherd's Heart has been a "tent-maker" type ministry?

Similar to how the Apostle Paul worked various occupations such as "Tent-Making" to fund some of his mission work, Randolph Koch continues to work a regular job(s) to supply for his family and God's Kingdom Work through the local church and A Shepherd's Heart. 

He does not receive any income or funding from the many hours devoted each week to God's Kingdom Work and his day job income is devoted to God's Kingdom work through the local church and again, supplying for his family with very little that can be directed to A Shepherd's Heart.

This ministry is not a large and regularly funded ministry but none-the-less, he ministers from a big heart for God and His people. Many projects, resources, and services that could be provided are not because his income just covers only the before mentioned.

If you believe in this ministry, please keep A Shepherd's Heart and specifically, God's Kingdom work through this ministry in your prayers and check out for ways you might be able to come along side and help this ministry as Randolph continues to strive to serve God, the body of Christ, and his family. Thank you!

2. Teaching and Resource Ideas: 
If you have topics you want to hear or learn more about, or new resource ideas that you'd like Randolph Koch and or guest contributors to teach about or create, please send a message to with your ideas and he'll definitely take your ideas into consideration for future written, audio, or video posts or new resource creation!

3. Prayer Requests: 
We are here to serve you so please send your prayer requests to and rest assured we will pray for you regularly. 

Speaking of prayer requests, while we don't communicate our needs often, please continue to pray for this ministry as we're at a critical stage as we continue to seek The Lord for how He might direct our path. We're considering forming a 501 (c) 3 non profit for A Shepherd's Heart. 

Please pray for this little ministry and like the prayer of Jabez, the potential for expanded territory / opportunity. Please pray for additional ministry opportunities to open up for Randolph regarding speaking/teaching/podcasts and more as his heart is to serve

Please also pray for the completion of his next YouVersion Devotional plan that is currently in the works and that it would reach many for God's Kingdom and glory. 

Please pray for the audio and video equipment needs as well as the other basic operational resource needs to keep this little ministry running. 

Please pray for God to help direct Randolph's path to the right providing and fitting employment to supply more adequately for his family and God's Kingdom work.

Lastly, Randolph and his wife Angela's 25th wedding anniversary is coming up this year (August), please pray for them as they work toward a special vacation later this year to celebrate God's goodness! 

Thank you for upholding this ministry in you prayers and please be sure to send your prayer requests our way!


A Shepherd's Heart

Monday, June 10, 2019

Keep Jesus In The Center, Because He Is The Center.

Read: Matthew 6:33, 1 Corinthians 10:31, Matthew 22:37, Mark 12:30, Romans 11:36, Colossians 1:16, John 15:5, John 15:16, Galatians 2:20, Psalm 34:3, Psalm 99:5, Psalm 145.

I recall the song, "Be the Centre" by Kathryn Sarah Scott, Michael Frye and I thought of it like a prayer asking for Jesus to be the center of everything in our lives. 

Part of the lyrics are: 
Jesus, be the centre Be my source, be my light Jesus
Jesus, be the centre Be my hope, be my song Jesus
Be the fire in my heart, Be the wind in these sails
Be the reason that I live Jesus, Jesus
Jesus, be my vision Be my path, be my guide Jesus

Everything we do as born again followers of Christ needs to be laser focused on Jesus, His Holy Spirit, and the Word of God. 

Monday, June 03, 2019

So, You Think Church Is Optional?

Read:  Hebrews 10:19-25, Acts 20:7, 1 Corinthians 16:2, Colossians 3:16,   Colossians 4:15,  1 Corinthians 16:19,  Romans 16:5; Acts 20:20; James 2:2, Acts 2:42,  1 Cor. 12:12–27,  Matthew 18:20. 

For those who might not know and for those who do, as followers of Christ, when we talk about "Going to Church", we're talking about the times on the weekends or any time when we gather together for instruction in The Word, Worship in Song, Prayer, Communion Fellowship and more. It's what God wants us to do. 

To be clear, we are The Church and not the building we gather in and God does want us to regularly gather together as The Church which typically happens at a specific place that we refer to as the Church Building. 

Sadly, there is a certain mindset were some state that "Church is optional" and they try to justify it from their own human based opinion and perspective. Now, when I hear people who are supposed to be follower's of Christ claim that "Church is optional", I have to question when was the last time they actually read God's Word? Passages like Hebrews 10:19-25 and others are very clear on God's instruction that we need to come together regularly as it's not really optional if you're a born again follower of Christ. 

Friends, we need to be regularly reminded that coming together via our local church meeting places is NOT optional.

Monday, May 27, 2019

It's Time For a Faith-Lift

Read: Mark 9:17-29 and 1 Peter 5:6-11

From celebrities to everyday people like you and I, dissatisfaction abounds in many areas of our lives including the area of physical appearance. 

Unfortunately, many focus on physical appearance and go to great lengths to reconfigure themselves through plastic surgery when what they really need in many cases is a faith-lift instead of a face-lift. 

The same is true about issues of anxiety, depression, and the like. Some people of faith may rely only on the medicine prescribed to them when they also need to truly consider and turn to God and His Word for faith-lift. While there is a place for medicine in some cases,  we also need a regular dosage God's Word, prayer, and the encourage of The Holy Spirit to completely heal from a given battle with these things. 

There are times when we're really down or depressed. Most of the time when we're going through things like this in our daily lives, it's our own thinking or our wrong self-image that gets us messed-up or off-track. We fail to gauge things through God's filters and standards instead of our own. Our faith in God and ourselves needs a "lift" and our attitudes, thoughts, and actions need a "tuck." In other words, they need to be tucked away permanently. We need to see ourselves as God sees us, which is through Jesus Christ His Son who loves us with an everlasting love. We also need to believe that Jesus Christ can do miraculous things in our lives.