My Friend,
Thursday, January 07, 2021
God Always Hears Your Prayers!
Friday, January 01, 2021
Happy New Year 2021!
Thank you for visiting A Shepherd's Heart online!
Wishing you a very happy, healthy, safe, successful, and hope filled New Year!
May God richly bless you in 2021 as you continue to seek, love, and serve Him with all that is within you!
Here's to a wonderful 2021 with a fresh new start for all of us!
It's been an honor serving you in 2020 and Lord willing, I'll have the privilege of continuing to serve you in the New Year!
Thanks and God bless you and your household!
"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace."
Numbers 6:24-26 ESV
Your Brother and Servant in Christ,
Randolph Koch
#NewYear #2021 #faith #hope #truth #wisdom #life #Jesus #Bible #GodsWord #heart #mind #soul #strength #HolySpirit #encourage #encouragement #Christian #Christianity #Christfollower #ashepherdsheart #livelifeonpurpose #reshare
Friday, December 18, 2020
Christmas Encouragement.
Merry Christmas!
Thanks for stopping by the A Shepherd's Heart site!
In case you're not connected with A Shepherd's Heart on social media (Instagram and Facebook), I wanted to share a digest of 5 recent post that were featured there to encourage you in your faith and as you celebrate The Savior's Birth!
Please see the below posts where you'll find a picture followed by an encouragement.
Your Brother and Servant in Christ,
Randolph Koch
My Friend,
I truly love Christmas time. From Celebrating Jesus' birthday, (The Reason for the season), enjoying the music, the decorations, the lights, food, exchanging gifts, enjoying fellowship with others, and much more.
While we celebrate the birth of Jesus, may we remember God loves you and I so much that He sent Jesus down as a baby so that we might have salvation, forgiveness, and life eternal thanks to Jesus' sacrifice.
Christmas is a wonderful time to receive The Gift (Salvation) from THE GIFT, Jesus Christ Himself.
Unfortunately, some have bought into the thought that "they are too far gone" for God to love and forgive them.
Let me plainly tell you that this is not true as Jesus is The Light of the world and His light will pierce even the darkest places, even the places where you've gone or currently are that you think He can't reach. No one this side of eternity is too far gone!
Furthermore, once you know Him through receiving His free gift of salvation, be encouraged that nothing can ever separate you from Him!
May you allow the Light of Christ to pierce through the darkest of places in your heart, mind, soul and life in Jesus name I pray.
Here are a few verses to encourage you as you remember Jesus is The Light of the world and there's never a place you can go that He will not already gone first to redeem you.
John 8:12, John 9:5, John 12:35-36, John 12:46, Romans 8:38-39
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Are You Looking For A Christmas Devotional?
Merry Christmas and Thank you for stopping by the A Shepherd's Heart Website!
Are you looking for a Christmas Devotional and use the YouVersion Bible App?
Wednesday, December 02, 2020
Prepare Him Room.
My friend,
It's December 1st! Merry Christmas!
As we begin to celebrate the Christmas season, may we prepare Him room in our hearts, minds, and in every area of our lives.
Preparing Him room begins with our hearts and we need to pause regularly to ask The Lord "Am I making room for You Lord?"
Prepare Him room my friend and don't allow anything in your life, including people, to block His work in and through you.
I pray that each of us continue to prepare Him room every day.
Take a moment to read and be encouraged by Luke 2:1-7 and John 1:1-5.
Your brother and servant in Christ, Randolph Koch
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Happy Thanksgiving 2020!
P.S. Please prayerfully help with our first ever fundraiser. Saving for a camera, mic, recording device, etc to serve you with. 🙏🏼 Any amount "small" or any size is greatly appreciated!
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Hand Everything Over To God!
My Friend,
Friday, November 13, 2020
Are You Dead In Sin Or Dead To Sin?
My friend,
Which kind of person are you? Are you dead in sin or dead to sin?
Jesus came so that you can receive His forgiveness and salvation in Him and then you will be dead to sin and alive in Him!
It's of utmost importance that you know Jesus personally through receiving His free gift of salvation!
If you walk down this road you will arrive at an understanding of how you can be saved.
Let me encourage you to grab a Bible and dig into the following verses! You need to understand that:
1. No One is Good – Romans 3:10-12
2. We all Fall Short – Romans 3:23
3. Everyone is Guilty – Romans 5:12
4. We're All Guilty of Sin and Sin Earns Us Death – Romans 6:23
5. God Loves Us – Romans 5:8
6. Confess and Believe – Romans 10:8-10, 13
If you’d like to take a step of faith and receive Jesus as your Savior then here is a suggested prayer you can pray right now to enter into a new life with Jesus Christ fully forgiven and secure!
This prayer does not save you (Jesus does) but it’s a way to help you confess and receive in faith God’s Free gift of Salvation!
“Dear Father in Heaven, I believe in Your Son, Jesus. I believe that He died on the cross for my sins and that He rose up from the grave. I know that I am a sinner and I repent of my sins. I ask for Your forgiveness and I know that I'm forgiven. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. Help me to walk with You.Thank you for saving me. In The Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.”
The Romans Road....this is a pathway you can walk, right now!
The Question is – will you walk it?
If you’ve already walked The Romans Road and have received Salvation, praise God!
I'm praying for you! May you listen to God's voice as He draws you to Himself either in salvation or day-to-day as a follower of Christ as He guides and directs your path.
You're brother and servant in Christ,
Randolph Koch
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Nothing Can Separate You From God's Love!
Hello My Friend,
What's that? Your past is too messy and you've done too many things that God could never forgive you for and love you?...
Or, maybe you think you're "not good enough" to be loved and forgiven?
Or, What's that? You're a follower of Christ and you messed up again and now you think God won't forgive and love you anymore?
First off, let me encourage you to stop listening to the lies of the enemy or the lies you keep telling yourself and instead get into The Word and listen to God's truth!
He died once for all of your sins and His forgiveness isn't based on what you do or have has nothing to do with your good works. You can't work your way to heaven!
He Loves you...period. If you've received His free gift of salvation then you're forgiven and He'll continue to forgive you when you sin. We should never doubt that or take it for granted.
Nothing can separate you from His love!
Nothing you do can make you love you more or less than He already does!
Nothing you do can make Him not forgive you!
So, stop building a self inflicted wall between you and The Lord and instead: repent, believe, receive His love and forgiveness completely!
Yes, you should strive for holiness but when you fall down, (we all do) get back up, repent when you need to repent and seek The Lord as He's not mad at you, He's not going to withhold His love and forgiveness from you!
Rest in His love, forgiveness, and grace and never stop seeking Him with all that is within you!
Rest in the fact that His love for you will never change. His love is perfect!
Praying for you!
Here are a few of the many verses for your you to read, study, pray over and take to heart:
John 3:1-17, Romans 10:8-10, 13, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 6:10, Romans 8:38-39, Jeremiah 31:3, 1 John 4:18-19
Your Brother and Servant in Christ,
Randolph Koch
P.S. Please share this encouragement with others and please also pray and give if possible to our first ever fundraiser.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
You Will Be And Are Accountable To God.
Read and Study: 2 Corinthians 5:1-10
My Friend,
Wednesday, September 09, 2020
Finding Strength & Hope In Forgiveness
Read and Study Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV; Romans 10:9-10 ESV; Psalm 103:12 ESV; and Psalm 139:14 ESV
To the people who care about you, you are not a nuisance or a waste of time.
Don't let doubts discourage you from living a full life. Time is short and you can't change or take back regrets, but you can control where you focus your energy now clear into the future.
Realizing this empowers you to feel in control of your journey. Anxiety and fear numbs, but forgiveness brings a visceral freshness unparalleled by anything that could be conjured in an impaired mind.
Dig deep, push back, fight the lies, forgive yourself, and be strengthened. YOU are worth the time and energy even if it's a challenge to believe it.
When you confess and become saved (Roman's 10:9-10) you are forgiven in the deepest way possible. As far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12)! Now we have to decide if we want to accept that God's free gift of grace and forgiveness is enough.
He is the only one who constantly says you're worth the time when you believe a lie. He is the only one who will continually wash you white as snow all the while not leaving or forsaking you even when the accuser roams. You are a child of God and therefore loved, cared for, forgiven, and wonderfully + fearfully made (Psalm 139:14).
Hold on to hope my friends!!
God Bless
- Noah
Picture of a view of The Pacific Ocean From Otter Crest By Noah Koch
We're blessed to have Noah Koch as a guest contributor to A Shepherd's Heart. He hails from the Pacific Northwest in the USA where he actively and passionately lives life on purpose for The Lord. He's very creative and talented as a communicator, photographer, musician, and writer. He has a true servant's heart. We prayerfully look forward to further guest posts from Noah in the future.
Please prayerfully consider helping this ministry through a gift of any size via our first ever fundraiser:
Tuesday, September 01, 2020
Focus On Jesus, Not The Storm.
Hello Friend,
It was during a storm that Peter saw someone walking from the shore over the crashing waves to the boat he was in.
Once He recognized that it was Jesus, he said, "Lord, if it’s you,” “tell me to come to you on the water.” Then Jesus said. "come." and then Peter stepped out of the boat.
Note, he was the only one who had faith enough to step out of the boat.
Once he started walking toward Jesus, Peter made one error though, he took his eyes off of Jesus and looked instead on his circumstances. Then he started to sink into the water and of course Jesus saved him.
We're kind of like Peter sometimes because even though we know what we should do, instead of fixing our eyes on Jesus, we fix our eyes on our circumstances and then our troubles get worse in the process.
My friend, We need to fix our eyes on Jesus as much as possible and not the storms of life.
Read, Study, and pray about Matthew 14:22-33.
Then ask yourself, am I willing to step out in faith, keeping my eyes on Jesus no matter my circumstances?
Let's pray for one another that we will keep our eyes on Jesus.
Your Brother and Servant in Christ,
Randolph Koch
P.S. Please prayerfully help me with my first ever fundraiser for my little ministry which I've extended for 1 additional month as I'm trying to raise just enough for some basic resources to serve you with.
Please share this small fundraiser with your church family and friends. Please help A Shepherd's Heart meet the goal of it's first ever fundraiser.
Here's the link to the main fundraiser site:
Or here are 3 other options to help in this friends helping a friend fundraiser:
You can use Cash App and send your gift to user name $ashepherdsheart or if you haven't used Cash App before, if you use this link we'll both receive $5! :-)
Use PayPal sending to
Use PayPal's Venmo app by sending to @ashepherdsheart
You're continued prayers and sharing this fundraiser with friends and family would be greatly appreciated!
#faith #hope #truth #wisdom #life #Jesus #Bible #GodsWord #heart #mind #soul #strength #HolySpirit #encourage #encouragement #Christian #Christianity #Christfollower #ashepherdsheart #ReShare #livelifeonpurpose #keepyoureyesonJesus
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
How Shall We Respond? A Little Q&A About Our Current Times.
From time to time I'll receive questions from those God has blessed me with the opportunity to serve.
Recently I received another thoughtful question from someone regarding how we as followers of Christ should respond to current events going on in our world.
My response isn't "profound" by any means and others may have a different perspective on this, but, I thought it might be an encouragement to you in some way and a starting point as you seek The Lord for similar things. So, with the permission of the person who asked the question, and with their name omitted, here is the question and prayerful answer.
Your Brother and Servant in Christ,
Randolph Koch
"Hello brother in Christ. I have an honest question. No underlying motive in asking, just looking for an honest answer on your perspective. As a man who appears to be grounded in Biblical truth as far as I can tell through what you post, what is your stance on America's current state and the church's, the body of Christ, needed response in light of all that is going on? Are we being too "quiet", too fearful, are we speaking up as we should into the myriad of issues? It seems there is much, "mixed", for lack of a better word, response from the church. Do we need to be a bit more fierce, is there too much fear of man in the church as a whole? Ok more than one question and they are some loaded questions lol."
Tuesday, August 04, 2020
God's Love For You Will Never Change!
May you rest in this truth.
I think we all need this reminder from time to time.
Your Brother and Servant in Christ,
Here's the link to the main fundraiser site:
Or here are 3 other options to help in this friends helping a friend fundraiser:
You can use Cash App and send your gift to user name $ashepherdsheart or if you haven't used Cash App before, if you use this link we'll both receive $5! :-)
Use PayPal sending to
Use PayPal's Venmo app by sending to @ashepherdsheart
You're continued prayers and sharing this fundraiser with friends and family would be greatly appreciated!
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Let All You Do Be Done In Love.
Many people today are not responding to things with love in mind nor are they keeping it in the forefront of all they do.
Their words and actions are far from loving and are often far from being motivated by love.
For some of us, it seems as though God needs to take us behind the proverbial woodshed and help correct our behavior. :-)
As followers of Christ we should not emulate the wrong behavior that others choose to display, rather, we should be spurred on by Christ's love for us and the great love of God The Father.
Even in times of correction, we're to be motivated by and we should season it with love. (Just like God does with us.)
It's not easy but it's how God commands us to operate.
So, let all you do be done in love. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Because of His great love for us.
Your Brother and Servant in Christ,
Randolph Koch
P.S. Please prayerfully help me with my first ever fundraiser for my little ministry. Please share this small fundraiser with your church family and friends.
Or PayPal's Venmo app by sending to @ashepherdsheart
Friday, July 17, 2020
"9 Keys To Walking In Christ" Devotional - Second Birthday Celebration!
In addition to celebrating my 50th birthday on July 9th, I'm celebrating another birthday this month as my first YouVersion devotional plan, "9 Keys To Walking In Christ" launched 2 years ago on July 9, 2018!
So, happy 2nd birthday to my plan! :-)
Here's the link:…/12135-9-keys-to-walking-in-christ (Or you can search Randolph Koch in the app plan search option)
The plan includes written and an audio version (read by me) available in the app.
I pray that I can serve you through this plan and have you join the 23K people who have subscribed to it and the over 14K have completed it so far. It's not about the numbers but it is about the honor of service people, helping them grow in their relationship with Christ.
Your Brother and Servant In Christ,
Thursday, July 09, 2020
Thank You God For Another Year!
Today on my 50th birthday I simply want to give thanks to God!
I'm Thankful to God for the gift of life and another year to serve Him and His people!
I'm thankful for God's Word, my Savior Jesus, and the work of His Holy Spirit in my life!
I'm thankful for my family!
I'm thankful for friends.
I'm thankful for employment.
I'm thankful for my church family.
I'm thankful to be alive, period.
There are many things I'm thankful for and I pray this next year will be a blessing and filled with opportunities to serve and bring Him glory. Opportunities for Him to expand His territory through me somehow. Opportunities to serve His people helping meet spiritual and physical needs as much as possible. Opportunities to live life on purpose together as we strive to seek, serve, and love Him with all that is within us!
I pray this year will be a year of further growth for me and becoming more deeply rooted in Him.
I pray that God would use me somehow to help others grow in their relationship with Him and that they'd become more deeply rooted in Christ as well!
Many Blessings friends! Thank you for the honor of serving you!
Your brother and servant in Christ,
Randolph Koch
P. S. You're prayers appreciated:
Thursday, July 02, 2020
A Shepherd's Heart - First Ever Fundraiser!
In all the years of being a "tent maker" ministry, I've never done a formal fundraiser and through the counsel of those I trust, I'm working to raise a small amount of support. This support will be used to cover small operational costs including needed resources to serve with which includes projects & resources & to have a small amount of funds allocated to help others in need through my ministry.
This is a friends helping a friend endeavor much like when a missionary raises funds. Rest assured every penny will go to do His Kingdom work.
Your prayers are greatly appreciated as that God will provide the needed support through people like you so we can move forward with some wonderful projects to serve you more!
Please pray and then if led, please support my ministry endeavors through this fundraiser.
Every penny will go to do His Kingdom work.
Every gift, no matter the size, is a big gift in my view!
Even if you cannot give, your prayers are greatly appreciated and cherished!
If for some reason you'd rather not give via this Fundly site, please feel free to use Cash App sending to user name $ashepherdsheart
Or PayPal's Venmo app by sending to @ashepherdsheart