Saturday, May 24, 2008
Who I am Makes a Difference!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
7.8 Magnitude Earthquake in China.
My heart cries out for these people who have suffered under the weight of the rubble as rescuers search for them, and those who are suffering the loss of their loved ones and for those who have lost their lives.
Please pray for them!
I’ve also learned that Medical Teams International is currently working to send over a half millions pounds of supplies to help them and they’re working with Boeing to deliver the supplies via several new planes that they are already planning to delivery to China. Please pray that this effort will be successful and help support them as God leads!
I’m reminded of the following scripture and will direct my prayers that those who are directly impacted by this disaster will be comforted by Him.
“God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam and the mountains
quake with their surging.”
~Psalm 46:1-3
Again, I will pray that God will comfort them during this devastating time and I'll especially pray that they would come to a personal relationship with the Him. May the Body of Christ be there to minister to the hurting and share His love while meeting the physical needs!
I wanted to share a few pictures that once you see them, I believe you’ll be moved to prayer as I have been. Please note: These images may be disturbing but they are also the reality of what has happened and what is occurring due to the Earthquake. Thanks for your prayers. Please see the below.
Please join me in prayer!
Humbled in Christ,

A boy is rescued from the debris of a collapsed building after an earthquake in Dujiangyan, Sichuan province May 13, 2008. [Agencies]

Bodies of many of the victims. [Agencies]

Several young children trapped in the rubble. Note the IV attached to one of them onthe left. Some apparently are alive while some sadly are not. [Agencies]

Young Man trapped in the rubble. [Agencies]

Young Boy receiving medical attention. [Agencies]

The Remnants of what was once a building. [Agencies]
Please pray!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
New Features!

Here's what I've added:
Monday, May 12, 2008
Prince Caspian!
For more information, be sure to see the below Prince Caspian Interactive widget! Or, You can click on the following link for the official web site!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
The speaker, Louie Giglio, speaks of an amazing scientific truth regarding the cell adhesion protein molecule “laminin”. Which is the “glue” that holds our cells together. It is described as the rebar of the human body—it holds us all together. Louie uses it as an awesome illustration of a Biblical truth.
There is more I could share here after viewing this but you'll just have to watch the video as I don't want to give away the message. It is worth the watch!
"He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities--all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together."
~Colossians 1:15-17 (NASB)
"I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well."
~Psalm 139:14 (NASB)
Here is a diagram of Laminin:

Isn’t that amazing!
You may also want to do a Google image search using the term laminin and you'll also find some amazing pictures in outer space of pictures taken of a black hole by the Hubble Telescope.
God is Amazing and may you be encouraged today at God's mighty hand as He alone holds all things together!
God Bless,
Monday, April 14, 2008
Supporting Each Other

The Word:
Read: Exodus 17:8-16
"Supporting Each Other." By Randolph Koch
If you've ever been through a tough time in your life, you've probably come to know the importance of the support you were most likely given from a friend, a family member, your pastor, or someone from your church. The support may have been given through prayers, a supportive or loving word, a meal, or many other ways. It ministers to you in ways that words cannot describe. It's humbling to receive support from others and goes a long way to help heal the wounds of the battles of life.
We can see an example of the importance of supporting each other through the example of Moses during a battle against the Amalekite's. He went to the top of a hill, which was a vantage point overlooking the battle. As he moved up the hill, Joshua and the army were sent to war against the enemy. Moses, with staff in hand, stood and raised his hands. As he raised his hands, Israel prevailed. Then there was a point where he became weary and had to rest but while his hands were lowered the Amalekite's prevailed. Moses needed support, and who wouldn't after having their arms raised for such a long time while a battle raged on. Aaron and Hur came to help him in his time of need. They placed a stone beneath Him so we could sit instead of stand. Then they supported his arms so Moses could hold his hands up. With their help, Aaron on one side and Hur on the other side, his hands remained steady until the sun went down. Israel won the battle. Moses received the support he needed to get him through. The Lord told Moses to write down the experience of the day's war, and how the Lord led them to victory in a book so it could be relayed to others. Then Moses built and altar and named it "the Lord is my banner." What a day it was and what a support plan it was that God unfolded for us to learn from. Without the Lord, Israel and Moses would not have prevailed. Furthermore, with out the two men coming to Moses' aid, he wouldn't have made it through the whole day. Likewise, we cannot make it with out the Lord. It seems that in today’s world, we tend to believe we can do it all alone because we think ourselves to be self-sufficient and honestly we're trained to think this way. Many times our schools, businesses, the movies we see, and many other avenues train us to believe this is a totally healthy and necessary trait, (at times it's true that we have to be somewhat self-sufficient), but we desperately need each other. We can go way to far, and many do, with the self-sufficiency idea. Starting from our homes on into the rest of the world we need to be counter culture, especially in this area. We need to trust the Lord and receive the comfort He and others give us. We weren't created to be in this life alone. We in fact, were created to live and work for the Lord, to have an eternal relationship with Him, and to live and fellowship amongst other believers and of course the world. The Lord is our main source of strength - so don't be afraid to seek His support. Furthermore, it’s crucial to have support from the Lord and other believers. In other words, accept their support. Then as life unfolds and you travel from one storm to another you may begin keeping a log or a journal just to write down all of things God has done for you during your times of need (and what people have done). So you'll remember and be encouraged, especially when rough waters hit. This will be a great reference tool for you so you'll be reminded of His goodness when we tend to forget it in the middle of the trial. Memorialize all that God does and has done to bring you through. Review this list from time to time to refresh your memory and to add to it so you'll be encouraged for years to come. This is also something that you may be able to share with others or pass down to testify of the amazing love that the Lord and others have no matter the situation. Along the way, don't forget to thank the Lord and others for what they've done for you.
No matter what the time or season let us be willing and able to in turn support those in need. We need to be wise and sensitive enough to see the Holy Spirit's leading, as we are lead to help others. There are many ways we can effectively do this. There is also wisdom that we need to use as we seek to support others. The spirit will help us discern real needs or false ones. Finally, and most of all, let our prayer be that the Lord would find us whole heartily supporting each other.
Questions to Get Started With:
-Where do you look or to whom do you look for support in your time of need?
-Do you reach out to support others?
-Are you sensitive to seeing others needs?
-Do praise God for His amazing love and provision when the times are calm or when in rough waters?
-Do you keep a running log or journal of what He's provided for you physically and spiritually?
-What are some of practical things you can do to support others?
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Wanted to share an old and very sincere Irish Blessing with you on this St. Patrick's Day!
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Have an Excellent day!
Your Bro,
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Free Download of John's Gospel - An Easter Gift for You From The Listener's Bible
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
You Are Not Forgotten

The Word:
Read: Luke 12:6-7
"You Are Not Forgotten" by Randolph Koch
Standing alone, or in a crowd of people, in a time of struggle or easy going, you may feel at time that you are alone. This happens to many, because at times we have a wrong view of God. We tend to believe sometimes that God is a distant God that is only around or available when we speak the "magic words" in our prayers. We think that when mankind forgets us or treats us bad that God must be the same way. This is so far from the truth! God loves us so much that He gave us His one and only Son. We know this to be true as believers so why should we feel alone?
You're more important to God than anything in the universe. Be encouraged today knowing that God will never forget you or forsake you. He knows each hair on your head and I can't think of anyone else that knows us that well. So remember, you are never alone and you'll definitely never be forgotten in regard to our great and mighty God.
Questions To Get Started:
-Are you prone to feeling alone?
-How much time do you spend with the Lord on a daily basis?
-Do you notice a difference in how you feel when you do or don't spend
time actively seeking Him?
-Do you relate your self worth with how God views you; or with man's opinions?
(Original Publish Date; Thursday, July 09, 1998 – Revised 02/27/08)
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Our Refuge

The Word:
Read: Psalm 46:1-11
"Our Refuge" by Randolph Koch
Here they come again. The pressures, trials, and struggles of life. It seems that we have daily events that give opportunity to refine us; reminding us who we should be seeking as our shelter. Personally I've been bombarded with one event after another, making me almost feel like I'm going to break down or make me question what is going on. "Why are things going so rough I've asked myself?"
There have been so many times where there has been so much to do at work with literally not enough time to get everything done. It's pretty overwhelming at times. Then I'm reminded of the scriptures that tell me to cling to God and not operate under my own understanding. Seek refuge. Seek the only cover that will protect and sustain us because the storms will continue to come.
Recently, I turned on the news to see coverage of the aftermath of a cyclone that led to a major flood in South Africa. The people were running as fast as they could through very deep water, scrambling to save their lives. Some were only able to escape with the clothes they had on their backs. It was heart wrenching to see them. It was obvious that they had tremendous fear. It was visible on their faces as they climbed onto a small platform where a helicopter was waiting to try to rescue as many people as they could. There was a lack of helicopters so when one would come, you'd see them sprint by the dozens toward their rescue; many being turned away because there was no room for them. There were pictures of those that had been waited for hours and in some cases days in the chilling waters, to be rescued.
In other parts of the world during this same time, volcanoes were erupting. People in these locations were fleeing also for a safe refuge. All of these things remind me of the truth that every one of us no matter in flood, famine, or any situation good or bad we need our own refuge. We need to run to Jesus and cling to Him with everything we have. We cannot rely on ourselves completely because we cannot make it without Him. He is our refuge. The question is will we seek Him today?
Maybe it's been a long while since you've made Him a part of your life? Give Him control and He can take care of you completely. Enter back in to His presence and know that He'll strengthen, encourage, and hold you up by His power, glory and strength.
Maybe you're a Christian that is walking faithfully with Him? May you seek Him all the more because you know the value of seeking and clinging to Him in your life.
You could be a non-Christian reading this today- I'd like to encourage you to seek His refuge for the first time. Come to know salvation through Jesus Christ. He is waiting with open arms for all of us to run to Him.
For all of us may His refuge be our daily homecoming as we come and go - wherever we go. We can trust Him for He will never fail us. No matter what happens in this world He'll be your refuge.
I pray for all of us that in times of trouble or not, we'll seek Him as our refuge. You'll never go wrong by seeking Him.
Questions to Get Started With:
-Do you cling to Him as your refuge?
-Do you seek Him daily?
-Are you striving in the midst of your struggles?
-Or have you ceased to strive and know that He is God?
(Originally published Feb 28, 2000)
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Free 2008 Calendar
- You'll find the calendar files at the following link:
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Effective Planning In the Light of God’s Will

Read: Proverbs 19:21
"Effective Planning In the Light of God’s Will" by Randolph Koch
No this isn’t some introduction to becoming a highly effective person seminar. Rather this is an attempt to have us look at our lives in the light of God’s will and Holy Word. We live in a day-timer, gotta check my calendar, I’ll pencil you in society. I must admit that I rely (sometimes heavily) on my planner to keep a balance between my family, ministry, work tasks, and priorities. If I didn’t, I would most likely let someone down because I double booked myself and forgot about a prior commitment. By no means am I trying to insinuate that planners or day timers are bad. I do however want us all to think about how we do plan or set goals, tasks and priorities- with or without a planner in hand. I firmly believe that managing our time is part of being a good steward with the limited time God has given us. No matter if you are a Church Elder, individual, corporation, small business owner etc., this still applies to you. When we sit down to plan our time, our lives, or whatever, I often wonder if we do it in conjunction with spending time in God’s Word and in prayer. We plan, but do we understand that our plans hinge on God’s will and timing before or if our plans are to succeed? Stop for a moment and think. Isn’t this a pretty basic idea, but also very counter-culture!? This is just another part of our Christian lives that we tend to forget as we live in this humanistic world that tells us that we are in charge of our destiny. Granted, we do have free will; but isn’t it God that holds everything and puts everything inevitably in place- according to His will and good purpose? Planning can be and is a healthy thing as we follow God’s will. Have you ever asked yourself how does this plan, idea, activity, etc. affect eternity? This is a healthy question for us to keep in mind. I’m not referring to small plans like: what color car you need to purchase, or what flavor of ice-cream to buy the next time you buy groceries. (Although I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to consult God if you really felt that you needed to.) Let us never forget to place Him completely in the center of our lives where He belongs. The next time you make plans for your life, try seeking His perfect council first. Reject the temptation to do it all on your own because you won’t be truly successful without Him.
Questions to Get Started With:
-When you have an idea or make plans do you seek the council of God, His Holy Spirit and His Word first?
-Do you ever ask yourself how important your plans are in view of eternity?
-Are your plans in the will of God?
-Is God’s will for your life important to you?
Saturday, December 29, 2007
The Great Commission and Linebacker Evangelism
According to the Bible there are many methods and styles of evangelism and each of us according to our gifts will find that one style works best for us as we seek to share our faith.
Let us also never forget that how we live our lives is one of the biggest evangelism "tools" we have because our lives will either show forth a transformed life because of what Christ has done for us or in contrast, our lives will not show this transformation.
The following link is a humorous illustration of one person using his linebacker skills to remind believers that we are again, called to share our faith.
I pray that it gets you and I thinking more about our calling to serve and share Christ to a world in need. I hope it doesn't take a linebacker to get us to do what God has called us to do. :-)
Click on one of the Play Arrows/Icons in the following window:
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Our Greatest Need

It’s been a little bit since I’ve written but I wanted to share this wonderful poem by Roy Lessin that provides profound insight into our greatest need that God met through His Son Jesus Christ.
If our greatest need had been information,
God would have sent us an educator.
If our greatest need had been technology,
God would have sent us a scientist.
If our greatest need had been money,
God would have sent us an economist.
If our greatest need had been pleasure,
God would have sent us an entertainer.
But our greatest need was forgiveness,
so God sent us a Savior.
Click on the following link to see a great
online presentation of this:
We need Jesus more than any present we may receive!
I pray that your Christmas is centered on the matchless Gift, Jesus Christ.
Thanks for stopping by!
In Christ,
Randolph Koch
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Spiritual Gifts and Dodgeball?
Check the video out then go out and discover and use the Spiritual gifts God has given you! :-)
God Bless, rlk
Friday, August 31, 2007
It will make you laugh if you think about each item for a moment and I'm sure you've experienced somebody who makes excuses for not attending church on a regular basis or those who choose only to make a holiday visit to Church. Maybe that person used to be you? Hope you see the humor and the truth and that you earnestly seek to spend time with other believers and learn about and worship God each week through your local Bible centered, Christ Centered Church.
Here’s part of what God’s Word has to say about the importance of His Church and your part in it:
“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.”
~Hebrews 23-25 (NASB) (Bold Emphasis mine)
There's more I could say but let me close by asking you to encourage yourself and others to make God and His Church a priority and allow yourself to be accountable to others in this vital area of your life and walk in Him.
Now, read the below. :=)
God Bless,
by Unknown
Everybody has a good excuse for not attending church. If you take those excuses and apply them to other things we do (or don't do), like eating, they might look like this list:
1. I was forced to eat as a child.
2. People who eat all the time are hypocrites; they aren't really hungry.
3. There are so many different kinds of food, I can't decide what to eat.
4. I used to eat, but I got bored and stopped.
5. I only eat on special occasions, like Christmas and Easter.
6. None of my friends will eat with me.
7. I'll start eating when I get older.
8. I don't really have time to eat.
9. I don't believe that eating does anybody any good. It's just a crutch.
10. Restaurants and grocery stores are only after your money.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Be Still and Wait

Be Still and Wait
Being still before God is a hard thing to do for most Christians, especially in the fast paced high expectation world and environment we live and work in each day.
Then, couple this with the trials we go through from time to time or, as I like to affectionately refer to them as the “Here we Grow again times!” (Although it doesn’t feel like it’s for our good when we're going through it sometimes does it?)
Take time to read the below scripture, pray, and ponder how you can apply the principles of this scripture in your life. Then encourage others that God has placed around you to do the same.
Have a blessed day as you seek Him!
"Let all that I am wait quietly before God,
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Discouragement – Peace – Hope

I’ve been there and tonight was such a night for me – a night of disappointment, discouragement, brokenness.
Then I turn to the Word and the following verses come to mind to minister to me.
If you’ve been there, or maybe you're there now, I pray that these same verses will be of encouragement to you as well.
"Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and my God."
~Psalm 43:5 (NIV)
"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
~Philippians 4:6-7 (NASB)
"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."
~Ephesians 3:20-21 (NIV)
"And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the
Holy Spirit, whom he has given us."
~Romans 5:2b-5 (NIV)
God Bless you – keep pressing on, keep clinging to Him and I’ll do the same.
Your Bro, rlk
Monday, June 04, 2007
Welcome to Drama Church
Whether you agree or disagree with this practice, in reality it’s not necessarily a new issue because preachers like A.W. Tozer were speaking against what was then a new trend via the use of drama or the “religious movie.” In other words, we’re just witnessing a resurgence of an old form of what is considered a method of communication within the “Christian Context.”
I’ve personally been involved with the arts for a large portion of my life including vocal music, leading worship for Sunday schools and retreats, musical drama, Easter programs, and even an Opera in one act to name some of my involvement.
I’m not completely apposed to the use of drama if it’s used responsibly and in good taste. In fact, I’ve been in several Easter productions where the scripts and the drama itself beautifully communicated the Gospel. Furthermore, I’m also for (for the most part) the use of creative ways to present and communicate as long as it’s not in conflict with the Word of God.
On the other side, I’ve also been in the audience many times during various services or other special events where I’ve felt very uncomfortable by what was communicated.
Some would say, “Lighten up man! It’s just a drama!”
In response, I’d say, no it’s not just a “drama” that’s at stake here - it’s the message that is being communicated that is at stake. This is especially true as we’re charged to uphold and proclaim the Word of truth and we should speak the truth in love and at the same time not water it down or have an anything goes attitude!
As I ponder past episodes where drama was used in services, I can’t emphasize enough that it’s really important that the dramas do not detract from the preaching of the Word of God nor should they negatively impact the atmosphere of worship. It should also be used to communicate the Gospel and not just be a form of entertainment not that I’m saying we Christians cannot have fun or be entertaining. Again, I’m speaking directly to the use of drama in the context of weekly worship services.
To take it one step further, dare I say that it should only be used during regular services to directly tie into the sermon to help illustrate or communicate a Biblical truth or principle!? Or, it can also be used responsibly during Easter or maybe Christmas where it may reach those who are seasonal church goers. Or, it may be used for a creative announcement of an upcoming church event. In either of these situations, let me stress again the importance of using it responsibly.
Through my first hand experience, I’ve come away from various services with much frustration because the dramas that were used didn’t seem to connect completely with the sermon or in some cased they didn’t connect at all. It’s as if there were two separate or competing messages.
There have also been times where I’ve seen questionable content written into the scripts to seemingly “push the envelope” which has been very offensive and contrary to The Word of God in my opinion.
Regarding the dramas not connecting to the messages, The Holy Spirit does not interrupt Himself nor should we interrupt the message, the worship of God and the edification of the body by misuse of this form of communication.
I keep asking, “Where is the accountability” and “at what point are filters applied by the local pastoral staff and elders who are our shepherds?”
It seems at times like anything goes and nothing needs to be filtered out because by all means it’s for the “seeker” that matters and the believer’s just need to deal with the approach that is being taken.
Where’s the reality that we’re all accountable to God and that we’ll account for what we did or did not do properly for the Lord. This is especially true of Pastors and Elders.
With further thought here are some important questions I believe drama teams and pastors should ask before a drama / skit is considered or standards by which I believe Drama’s should be used or filtered:
-Do the scripts/drama/skits magnify the Lord?
-Do the scripts/drama/skits proclaim the Word of God?
-Do the scripts/drama/skits have a redemptive message to them?
-Do the scripts/drama/skits have a message that is part of the edification of the Body?
-Do the scripts/drama/skits contain a clear illustration used to help illustrate a point and directly tie into the message somehow?
-Do the scripts/drama/skits need to be in alignment with the church’s mission/purpose statement which seems to be a part of the suggested test/filter for everything we do at our churches?
Whatever you’re opinion is let me state that we all need to grow in Christ and glorify Him more and guard what is sacred, good, right, and perfect.
We cannot and should not settle for a watered down Christianity nor can we or should we settle for watered down sermons, services or maybe what some deem as “Edutainment” if it muddies the message! If it muddies the message, then we’ve failed because we’re called and accountable to clearly communicate the living hope found in a salvatory relationship with Jesus Christ!
If we’re not about the Lord’s business, purpose and will, if God’s Word and the Lord Jesus Christ are not in the center of what we do in our churches then what business are we in?
Prayerfully we’ll take a serious look in the mirror at our churches and our hearts and ask the Lord through His Holy Spirit to spotlight what we need to change right now.
Some of what I share here is due to the fact that some churches across America it seems that the drama has replaced or taken a more prominent place than the preaching of the Word.
As sarcastic as this may sound, for these churches that have gone mainly to drama and some worship and very little Scripture at all, they may come to a point where they may just need to rename there meeting place from church to a performing arts center. A performing arts center that just happens to have paid pastoral staff on hand or maybe they’d rather change their titles to “chaplains” so that so called seekers will feel comfortable if the chaplain wouldn’t be seen as offensive to them?
The Word of God was good enough for Peter, just look at the books of Acts. Peter preached the Word and over 3000 people came to faith that day. Some would argue, well, “the culture has changed.” Yes, it has changed but the Word of God has not changed. It’s still as powerful today as it was then! If it was strong enough then, it’s strong enough now and we need to keep the Word of God the focus of our services. The Word of God alone stands supreme and the Word of God is powerful!
Again, I’m not saying that we cannot use creative methods to communicate the Gospel, but I am saying that the Word has to be central to how we communicate and we need to communicate in an appropriate way. I hope you can see this important distinction.
Again I ask His Church:
If the Word of God is not present then what is the point?
What is the church doing if the Word of God and Jesus Christ are not in the center of what we do?
May Jesus Christ and the Word of God be in the center of all we do because if this is not the case then how can we effectively communicate His message and furthermore - how can we call ourselves Christians, followers of Christ?
I’m committed to praying for the Body of Christ, including the leaders asking the Lord to help us come back to our first love, The Lord Jesus and the Word of God. How about you?