Wednesday, August 31, 2016

It's Time for a U-Turn

You may have been heading the wrong direction for a while and you know you have. 
Maybe you're feeling a bit paralyzed or trapped where you are? 

Maybe the you've been focusing on or been a part of the...

Wrong major in college...

Wrong career...

Wrong relationships...

Wrong financial decisions...

Or, Wrong direction in other areas...

Let me tell you something you need to hear: It's not too late this side of heaven to make the changes you know you need to make!

God is a God of second chances and each day He gives you a chance to begin again! 

Change the direction of your life now...with God's help and the help of other people He places in your life.

It's time for a U-Turn, a Do-over, whatever you want to to call is in order...the time is now! Don't spend another second heading the wrong direction! 

Get back on the road...the path you know you need to be on...You can do it! 

Especially with the wisdom and help from the Lord...You've got this! 

Start heading the right direction right now because you are worth it!!

It's time for a U-Turn my friend...what are you waiting for?

In Christ Alone,
Your brother and servant,


Share this encouragement with someone today: No matter how long you have traveled in the wrong direction, you can always turn around. #ashepherdsheart

Monday, August 22, 2016

Finding Your True Source of Joy

As people, we often search for joy in the wrong places. 

We fill our lives with activities and people that we think will be our source of joy but...then they fail us and we are left where we were before hand - with an empty joy that's dependent on shifting things and people instead. 

We also allow our circumstances as well as people try to steal our joy. 

Also, let's be real, our adversary the devil loves to try to steal our joy buy we need to Armor Up daily - in other words allow God's full armor to deflect the arrow the evil one slings at us. (see Ephesians 6:10-18)

It's been well said, like in the brief video above, that... one of the secrets to experiencing joy it to keep seeking God where we doubt He is. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Parable of The Fishing Net - Matthew 13:47-50 (Audio Message)


This past Sunday I had the great opportunity to communicate God's Word. I filled in for a friend at his church campus while he was out of town and I wanted to share the message with you. 

The message was from Matthew 13:47-50 about The Parable of The Fishing Net.

Sonrise Cornelius is a bilingual campus located in Cornelius, Oregon and the message was translated / interpreted live in EspaƱol as I communicated in English. 

It was an honor to be there with them!

Here's the link to the message via The Parable of The Fishing Net

If you listen to the message, I pray you’ll come away with a sense of urgency and sense of hope too! 

God loves you and is the standard setter! I encourage you to take time to study the passage for yourself sometime as well. May you be encouraged, challenged and motivated to serve God all the more through what He teaches us in His Word!

Many Blessings,


PS. Once you listen to the message, I would enjoy hearing from you here via the comments section or via regarding your response to God's Word.  

Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Clean Slate

While it's not the exact intent of the author of this quote, it reminds me again that each day is a gift from God. Each day is truly a new and fresh start and God's mercies are new every morning. (See Lamentations 3:22-23)

Yesterday is behind you friend and no one on earth can be who you are and who you are meant to be... So what's holding you back? 

What obstacles (including negative people) do you need to clear from your life so you can achieve what you're called to achieve and be the person you should be and want to be? 

I encourage you to seek God's counsel and set a plan then work hard toward achieving it! 

This doesn't mean you won't face resistance, even from your self, this is all a part of growing. It's true that anything worth working for (yes, you're worth it) is worth working for. :)  

It's worth the effort because again, you are worth the effort! 

Don't ever let anyone ever try to convince you otherwise.

This is your day...seize it!

In Christ,



Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Stop Majoring In Things That Are Minor

So often we get caught up in or fixated on little issues.  

We stress out, lose sleep over and occupy our thoughts with things that are sometimes, while they seem important at the time, they're truly not worth the efforts we seem to place on them because they are minor issues. 

Like the old saying goes, "Don't make a mountain out of a mole hill."... Let's focus on the major things instead of worrying about the minor things and in all things, whether major or minor, let's submit them fully to the Lord as He never intended for us to worry about anything, rather, we're to cast all anxiety, worry etc upon Him because He cares about you / us. (see passages such as: 
1 Peter 5:7 and Psalm 55:22)

We know that each day has enough trouble of its own so let's stop borrowing trouble where there often is none.  (see Matthew 6:25-34)

Let's start majoring in the majors but at the same time...leave the minors and majors in God's strong hands because we need His help in all things. 

In Christ Alone,


Share this encouragement with someone today: "It's time to stop majoring in things that are minor." #ashepherdsheart

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

How To Stop Pouring Out Of An Empty Cup

There are many things in life I enjoy and one such thing is coffee.

I like some of the "foo foo drinks" too (as I call them) on occasion once in a while like an Aztec Mocha from my local Insomnia Coffee Shop or a plain mocha or something like a blended drink or cappuccino. However, what I enjoy the most is plain black coffee as well as cold brew and then iced coffee with a little French vanilla creamer in it. These are my go to drinks that I enjoy...nothing too fancy but really good! 

Now that I think about it, I may have become a bit of a coffee snob a times because I really enjoy coffee and I'm, shall we say, selective with what I drink because by all means "friends don't let friends drink bad coffee". But I digress. Lol. 

With my passion for coffee, I have several mugs I enjoy and like the one featured in the picture above, (which I picked up on a family vacation) it's made for a purpose...and it sits ready in my office for a good ol' cup of Joe.  While it can sit in a cupboard or sit on my office desk it's not really made to continually sit empty unless it's not going to be used. It's made to be filled with something either liquid goodness (coffee), tea or maybe to stuff pens and pencils in. I don't know but it's made, again, to be filled with something useful and good. 

Ok so you're probably thinking what?! He likes coffee and this matters to me why? Well, I'm very glad you asked and hold on as there's something for you just around the rim of the coffee cup...or tea cup if that's your preference!

Friday, July 08, 2016

Please Join Me In Praying for The USA!

Love and God changing the dark hearts of mankind is the key. I saw this image today and with all that the US is facing, I wanted to share it and ask you to join me in praying!

So many deaths. :-( My heart is aching for the USA and specifically those directly impacted by the lives taken and those injured.

It saddens me that racism still exists and specifically it seems several deaths are the result of this. It also saddens me that several police officers have died this week...all the deaths for nothing. Enough already! 

I can't help but think that death for death doesn't make anything better in these cases an the problem in our country goes far deeper than the news outlets, politicians and others spin. 

God please move on the hearts of the people in our nation. Bring us wisdom, reconciliation, justice and somehow - peace. Help us to love others as You first loved us. Help us to be a part of the solution and not part of the problem! 

To my friends and family, no matter the craziness that is taking place in our country...please know that without a doubt, I care about you and you're loved by me. Life is too short and you and I may never have the opportunity to tell one another how much we is my notice to you! My heart aches with you! Please join me in prayer and working to be a part of the solution not the problem. 

Love in Christ Always,


#praywithoutceasing #prayer #knowyourworth #hope #ashepherdsheart

Friday, July 01, 2016

Special Prayer Request

Dear Friends: 

While I can always use your ongoing general prayers for God's ministry through me to you and today I have a specific prayer request for you...

I’m continually led and seeking to create meaningful content that encourages, lifts-up and challenges people in their day-to-day faith and walk with God in and out of the 4 walls of the church meeting places. 

With this in mind, I’ve hit the limit regarding what I can produce beyond short 60 second or less clips, etc using my basic smart phone and I’d like to ask you to join me in prayer specifically for a way to acquire at least the follow three tools:

1.  A quality (Used/Refurb/New) DSLR Camera with mic input (and potentially with a flip out screen that can face forward for framing and monitoring during recording).  (Use: To create inspiring video and still image content for teaching and encouragement.) (Have some models/types in mind)

2.  A basic iDevice (Apple) or other tablet (Android 5.0 or above) for Interactive live Video for Facebook, possibly Periscope, etc. (Used/Refurb/New) (The Basic Smartphone I have cannot handle the apps) 

3.  A Zoom H4N Pro, or a Zoom H5 or H6 portable recording unit (Plus a memory card and other accessories). (Use: for podcasts, field recording and enhanced audio for video segments)

If you have any question regarding the future content I’m seeking to create, please let me know. 

Thank you for joining me in prayer for God’s provision!

In Christ,


P.S. Please pass this prayer request on as I'd appreciate prayer covering for this. 

Thursday, June 30, 2016

A Prayer For Dads - A Prayer for Fervent Prayer for and Never Giving Up on Your Kids - Thursday, June 30, 2016

To honor Dads during the Month of June, I'm posting prayers especially for Dads! I pray it ministers to you in a special way! Thank you for all you do! This is the finally prayer post for dads for this month.

Read and Pray Through: 1 Chronicles 29:19, Luke 15:11-32 and 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Heavenly Father,

I'm so thankful that You hear the prayers of Your children and we can approach You with confidence. 

You never promised that parenting would always be easy but it is definitely a special gift and responsibility that You've given me to be a dad. There are many who don't have this privilege so please help me never take this for granted.

As I read Your Word I see many prayers, the examples of those who prayed often (including Jesus) and it's by no coincidence that You instruct to to always pray unceasingly and there are certainly many things to pray for! 

I believe that I have an incredible urgent responsibility to fervently pray for my Children. 

Friday, June 24, 2016

Experiencing Peace Now and Later

Read, Study and Pray through: John 14:27

I wonder sometimes if we think of peace incompletely. 

It seems we only reserve it for sometimes as if we can only have or experience it on a very limited basis. 

Or, maybe that we'll only be able to experience the peace of Jesus when He returns...because He is the Prince of Peace. So, it's only for the future and not for now?

What if we didn't reserve wishes of peace for only when someone dies?  Don't get me wrong, it's important to pay our respects and wish someone the normal may you "Rest In Peace".  But, what if we can rest in peace each day as we lay down to rest? 

Is this possible or is it too weighty to consider? 

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

A Prayer For Dads - A Prayer for Leading, Teaching and Showing The Way - Deuteronomy 6:6-9 and Proverbs 22:6 - Wednesday, June 22, 2016

To honor Dads during the Month of June, I'm posting prayers especially for Dads! I pray it ministers to you in a special way! Thank you for all you do!

Read and Pray through: Deuteronomy 6:6-9 and Proverbs 22:6 

Heavenly Father,

I praise You and thank as You're my Father, my greatest example.

It's an amazing privilege to be a dad and I'm reminded that You've called me to lead the children that You've blessed me with. 

I need to actively lead and I confess that sometimes I'm not sure how best to do this!

Friday, June 17, 2016

The 3 Things Every Child Needs To Hear

Words of affirmation are essential to building a positive foundation for your children.

In a world that seeks to tear them down...we can be ones to seek to build them up speaking words of life to and over them!

As parents we sometimes focus only on they areas of shall we say..."Opportunity" or "Improvement" and little time is spent on all the great and amazing things you see in them and believe about them. They need to see and believe the same and more about themselves. 

Also, if you don't tell them...who will?! 

This might be a foreign concept to you because like many, you may not have received this as a child from your parents but regardless of this, you can turn the tide and forge a better way and path for your own children!

This is just one small list and a great beginning and I'm sure you can add to this list but start here...

3 Things Every Child Needs To Hear:

   1. I Love You!
   2. I'm Proud of You!
   3. You are Good at this_______!

This is a list is derived from an incredible men's video series I journeyed through quite a few years ago titled "The Quest for Authentic Manhood" by Robert Lewis and it's stuck with me since then and I've tried to regularly communicate this to my children over the years. especially need to be the one who leads the charge to show and tell them how capable, talented, proud and loved they are because your words speak volumes to the heart, soul and mind of your children! Never underestimate the power of your words! 

Keep Living life on Purpose and make these affirmations and more a regular habit!

In Christ,


Share this with someone today: There are 3 Things every child needs to hear. Visit to find out more! #ashepherdsheart

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

A Prayer For Dads - A Prayer for Being an Example of How to Live a Good Life - 2 Corinthians 3:2-3 - Wednesday, June 15, 2016

To honor Dads during the Month of June, I'm posting prayers especially for Dads! I pray it ministers to you in a special way! Thank you for all you do! 

Read and Pray Through:2 Corinthians 3:2-3

Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank You and praise You again for being the perfect Father and example of how to be a Father. Thank You also for the real gift and honor it is to be a dad to the children You've given me to help guide down the right path.

Each day I realize more an more that my children are a reflection of it or not. 

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

A Prayer For Dads - A Prayer for being Strong and Courageous - Joshua 1:9 - Wednesday, June 8, 2016

To honor Dads during the Month of June, I'm posting prayers especially for Dads! I pray it ministers to you in a special way! Thank you for all you do! 

Read and Pray Through: Joshua 1:9

Dear Father in Heaven,

I thank You and Praise You for being my Father!

I thank You for the gift of fatherhood that You've given being a dad is a privilege!

I pray that You lead me each day to be a better dad for my children. 

I confess that it's very tough to be a dad sometimes and it's not like I was given a manual on how to be a "perfect dad"...but... I try and want to own this great responsibility. 

Monday, May 30, 2016

A Prayer For Moms - A Prayer for Remembering Who My Help Is - Psalm 121:1-2 - Monday, May 30, 2016

To honor moms during the Month of May, I'm posting prayers especially for moms and this post is the final post in this series! I pray it ministers to you in a special way! Thank you for all you do! Here's the final prayer for this month through Psalm 121:1-2.

Psalm 121:1-2

Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your truth, for building me up and daily transforming me as a mom and as Your Daughter as I read Your truth and pray through it. I thank You and praise You for Who You are,  for loving me unconditionally and for being my true source of help! Thank You Father! 
I lift up my eyes to the hills.

Heavenly Father, You're Word is true. Your Word gives me hope and a deeper connection and direction with You day-to-day as Your daughter and servant and as a mom. 

Parenting / being a mom sometimes is a challenge as I work to help my children grow each day and navigate life but I know You equip me and strengthen me for each unique circumstance. 

When troubled times come - no matter what it is or what shape or size it's packaged in, help me to lift my eyes up to You.  

Help me to fix my eyes on You and not my circumstances.

Help me to teach my children to do the same as I am a living example for them.

Help me to rely on Your strength at all times. 

From where does my help come?

Father, when my vision gets blurry and I need Your help...please remind me to turn to You.

If I ever question, help me to seek answers from You!

Help me seek answers in Your Word. 

My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.

Father, I'm overwhelmed by Your love! I'm in awe of You as You're The Creator of Heaven and Earth yet... you still have time for me!

Please help me to remember where my help comes from as sometimes I lose sight of You...I lose sight of the truth.

When the bills are due...Help me cling to Your help.

When my child is getting sick in the middle of the night...Help me to cling to Your help. 

When I'm dealing with parenting issues...Help me cling to Your help.

When I have no energy left in me...Help me to cling to Your help.

No matter what I face...please help me / us to cling to Your help!

Please help my children do the same...again as You help me model this day-to-day!

Help me to continue to marvel at Your amazing handiwork. 

I praise You and thank You and I ask all these things in Jesus Name, Amen.

Dear Moms:

I pray this Month's prayers through a different Psalm has been an encouragement and blessing for you. 

It's been a privilege to pray along with you and try to encourage you along the way. 

Keep striving to continue to be the awesome servant of the Lord and mom that you are!

Thank you for all you do as you're family wouldn't be where they are without your tireless efforts!

In Christ Alone,


Share this encouragement with someone today: Jesus is my true source of help! Lord help me lift up my head & fix my eyes on You! Read Psalm 121:1-2

Saturday, May 28, 2016

It's The Here We GROW Again Times!

Life as we know it comes with no shortage of trials, tests and hard times doesn't it?!

I don't know about you but it's as real struggle sometimes to have a clear perspective when we're going through the thick of things!

We can choose to see them as times of opportunity instead of agony...

We can choose to see them as times of hope instead of hopelessness...

We can choose to see them negatively or positively...

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

A Prayer For Moms - A Prayer for seeking my Hiding Place - Psalm 32:7 - Wednesday, May 25, 2016

To honor moms during the Month of May, I'm posting prayers especially for moms! The plan is to pray through a different Psalm each week. I pray it ministers to you in a special way! Thank you for all you do! This week here's a prayer for you through Psalm 32:7.

Psalm 32:7

Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your truth, for building me up and daily transforming me as a mom and as Your Daughter as I read Your truth and pray through it. I thank You and praise You for Who You are,  for loving me unconditionally and for being my hiding place and deliverer! Thank You Father! 

You are a hiding place for me;

Stress abounds sometimes as I work hard as a I work hard for the family You've blessed me with. It's very chaotic sometimes too! 

I can make a list of things that keep me awake at night but You already know them well. 

Some days when it's tough I literally want to run and hide sometimes. 

I confess that I get overwhelmed at times and I know I need to reach out for help from You as well as others You've placed in my life. Help me to do just that!

Help me Father remember that I don't need to run and hide from anything anymore, but, I do need to run to You only. 

Before You drew me to Yourself and saved me, to run and hide could have been a natural reaction, however, now I don't have to run and hide anymore...thanks, praise and glory be unto You!

Help me to remember that I have nothing to fear but only everything to gain as I'm Your daughter and cling to You as my refuge - my one true hiding place!  Give me the courage to run to you! 

Help me to remember that I can share anything with You my hiding place! 

you preserve me from trouble;

Father, I'm reminded that You never promise that our lives will be free from trouble. In fact the opposite is promised...we will experience trouble.

Well, trouble comes in waves as I deal with parenting issues. 

When I deal will discipline and behavior issues...

When I deal with homework issues...

When I deal with health issues...

When I deal with relationship issues...

When I deal with issues...a multitude of issues!

Through each circumstance - please help guide me with wisdom and preserve/protect me from trouble.

Please preserve my family and I from trouble. 

Please preserve my children from trouble. 

Please Preserve me while going through trouble. 

you surround me with shouts of deliverance. 

Father, When I face hard times and when You bring me through the other side to victory, I often forget to praise You. 

Sometimes I may even forget to give You credit for all You've done to deliver me from what I went through!

I know I need to praise You through every season no matter what I face. Help me to praise You and give You Glory!

Help me to give You credit always

I pray that even when I'm in the midst of the chaos and trouble that You surround me with the truth of Your Word and help me shout a shout of deliverance knowing that You will deliver me according to Your will. 

Help me proclaim Your goodness and deliverance.

Help me proclaim Your power and might.

I thank You and Praise You for Your continued deliverance in my life! 

I praise You and thank You and I ask all these things in Jesus Name, Amen.

In Christ Alone,


Share this truth with someone today: God is my true hiding place and deliverer. Read Psalm 32:7 #ashepherdsheart 

Friday, May 20, 2016

Our Words Matter

Whether young or old and no matter what culture you are a part of, God established a better way for us to communicate. 

Simply put, our words matter...

They can build up or tear down...

They can bring life or death to the hearer... 

With social media, texting, chat programs and the like, there are ample opportunities to speak... and what we say in person or via the before mentioned is communicated rapidly and sometimes we cannot recall what we just sent! The damage is done. 

We need to be those who build up and bring life with our words. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

A Prayer For Moms - A Prayer For Strength and Help - Psalm 28:7 - Wednesday, May 18, 2016

To honor moms during the Month of May, I'm posting prayers especially for moms! The plan is to pray through a different Psalm each week. I pray it ministers to you in a special way! Thank you for all you do! This week here's a prayer for you through Psalm 28:7.

Psalm 28:7 

Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your truth, for building me up and daily transforming me as a mom and as Your Daughter as I read Your truth and pray through it. I thank You and praise You for Who You are,  for loving me unconditionally and for being my strength through the good and the bad days. Thank You Father! 

The Lord is my strength and my shield;

Father, I'm overwhelmed sometimes with the weight of responsibilities. 

Sometimes I feel vulnerable and weak...and a bit battle worn on those especially tough parenting days!

Thank You for being my true source of strength.

As I work to dodge arrows that are shot at me from the evil one...

The arrows of negativity and self doubt...

The arrows of negative self image and worth...

The arrows that are full of lies...

and many more...

Thank You for being my protector and deflecting the numerous attacks. 

I praise You because You are my strength and shield and cannot make it through the tough times or good times without You!

in him my heart trusts, and I am helped;

I confess that sometimes I put my trust in myself, other people, my circumstance and more.
I forget Who You are and all You've done and continue to do in my life and the lives of others.

I sometimes let the hurts I've experienced in my past or present cloud the truth that You are good and trustworthy. 

I confess that sometimes I over-identify with the wrong actions of my children as if it's my fault they choose to do the opposite of how I've  taught them...Help my heart trust in Your truth and know the wrong actions truly don't define me as I work hard as a mom...they are just growth moments in time. 

Help me to continue to love my children even through tough circumstances but separate my identity from their actions as I trust in You because I find my identity in and through Christ alone. 

I thank You that I can put my trust in You fully and I ask for Your help through Your Holy Spirit to trust in You at all times as a first response and not as a last resort. 

All You are and all You continue to do in my life cannot be cataloged as it's too numerous but please help me like the times of old recall Your Goodness, Your Help in the good and hard times. In my heart and mind may You build an "altar" of remembrance so when I go through the circumstances of life...I'll always remember where my help comes from.

Shape my heart oh Lord to trust in You always and remember that it's in You that I find my help. 

my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.

Father,  I praise You. My heart is overwhelmed and overjoyed by Your love and grace for me! 

Help me experience Your joy and help me to lift up a song to You in praise and worship through the day-to-day as I walk with You. 

I give You thanks for Who You are. 

I give You thanks for Your provision each day.

I give You thanks for Your Word that I may be instructed on how to live successfully for Your Kingdom and Glory as Your servant.

I give thanks to You for Your helper, Your Holy Spirit's guidance and residency in my life. 

I give You thanks for the life You've blessed me with. 

I thank You for my children.

I thank You for my family.

I thank You for the sometimes daunting but blessed privilege it is to be a mom.

I thank You again for the privilege of being a mom especially as I think of dear friends who haven't yet had the privilege or cannot. Help me to never take it for granted. 

I thank You for the glory I can bring You through being a mom. 

I thank You for the strength You give me when I have none - especially during the time when I'm at the end of my rope with parenting issues. 

I thank You for the numerous blessings You've heaped upon me. 

Most of all I thank You for Your Love and Salvation. 

I praise You and thank You and I ask all these things in His Name, Amen.

In Christ Alone,


Share this truth with someone today: God is my true source of strength and help. Read Psalm 28:7 #ashepherdsheart 

PS. If this post was of encouragement to you...consider sharing it with others whom you believe will be encouraged by it! Thanks!