Showing posts with label Christian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Excerpts From The "9 Keys To Walking In Christ" Devotional and a gift for completing the plan!


It was an exciting launch week and so far, 2,100 people have subscribed to the plan in the first week! This is incredible as I was honestly hopeful that prayerfully over the life of the devotional plan that 1,000 might subscribe to an complete the plan in the app and web site!

It's not about the numbers but it is about reaching as many people as possible with encouragement in their faith and walk with Christ from God's Word! 

Today, I wanted to share an excerpt from each day of the "9 Keys To Walking In Christ" devotional via the following images so you get an idea of what it's like:

Monday, July 09, 2018

My Devotional Plan "9 Keys To Walking In Christ" is now Live!


I'm excited to share that my devotional plan is now Live in the YouVersion Bible App and site!

Plan description:
"How do you walk in Christ? Like eating right and regular exercise, you have to be disciplined in exercising your faith to grow in your walk with Him. God's Word outlines many practical principles that will help you successfully walk in Christ. The aim of this devotional is to guide you through nine of the keys to help strengthen your walk."
If you use the app or the website version, I'd be honored if you sign-up for the plan and complete it with me!

I'd also love it if you could share the plan with others!

I picked the launch date for fun on purpose to coincide with my Birthday. (Which is July 9th) lol. 

Kind of my "birthday present" to you and whomever decides to study the plan! :-)

In Christ Alone,
Your Brother and Servant, 

Randolph Koch

Please consider helping this ministry through prayer and other ways! Find out more here:

Also, here are a few ideas of how I can serve you:

Thursday, June 14, 2018

You Need To Leave Your Past Behind!

Read: John 8:36, Ephesians 2:1-10, 2 Corinthians 5:17 

Note From A Friend (Me): You Need To Leave Your Past Behind! (see above image too)

Friend...there's nothing there for you anymore! 

God has given you a new life and He always has something better in store for you to replace the old stuff that you no longer need...including the old you! 

You are no longer who you once were because you are in Christ! You have been redeemed and you are a new creation! You've been "upgraded" thanks to Christ.

So, stop trying to be like the Israelites of old who wanted to go back to Egypt where they were enslaved! Your past can enslave you if you dwell or seek to return there!

As I've shared before...your history is now completely HIStory! So, walk with Him, trust Him, listen to Him, be obedient to Him, and live in the new life He's given you!

Your old life can no longer enslave you! He has set you free so live in His Freedom! 

In Christ Alone,
Your Brother and Servant,

Randolph Koch

P.S. Please share this encouragement with others! 

Please consider helping this ministry through prayer and other ways! Find out more here:  ttps://


Thursday, June 07, 2018

He Left The 99 for You.

Read: Luke 15:1-7 and Romans 10:8-10

The love and sacrifice of Jesus may seem irrational and senseless to some but it doesn't really matter what anyone thinks because He came to seek and save the lost. 
His love and sacrifice for you is perfect, overwhelming, and complete...He left heaven and came to find and save you!
If you've received His search and rescue mission, (His free gift of salvation) then rejoice in your loving Good Shepherd Who has brought you into His flock! 

Keep listening to and for the Good Shepherd's voice!

If you haven't received His search and rescue mission, (His free gift of salvation) then listen and respond to The Good Shepherd's voice as He is calling for you drawing you to Himself. He gave His life for you! 

All you have to do is receive His free gift of salvation! 

If you're not sure how, please check out the following: 

For additional encouragement, please listen to my reading of Luke 15:1-7 via one of the following links:

No matter what, during the good and the bad seasons of life, never doubt or question His great love and sacrifice for you. Always remember God's great love for you as He sent is His so that you may have forgiveness and new life in Him!

Praise God with me for The Shepherd Who would leave the 99 for you and I!

In Christ Alone,
Your Brother and Servant,

Randolph Koch

Please consider helping this ministry through prayer and other ways! Find out more here:  ttps://

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Having a Kingdom Perspective

Read: Matthew 13:24-52, Matthew 20:1-16; Matthew 22:1-14, Matthew 25:1-13, Hebrews 12:28, Matthew 7:21,  Matthew 6:10, Luke 11:2-4, Luke 12:29-32,  Colossians 3:1-4  

Of all the topics in the Word of God that Jesus taught about, He had more to say about the topic of The Kingdom than pretty much any other topic. If it was as important to Him to teach so often about it then it ought to be important to us as well! 

The Kingdom is mentioned and taught about many times throughout the Gospels as well as other parts of the New Testament. 

The kingdom of God is synonymous with the kingdom of heaven and Jesus taught that we should have a Kingdom perspective and keep The Kingdom in mind in all we do.

There is so much one could teach about The Kingdom that one post can only scratch the surface on such a big topic

So what is The Kingdom and What is a kingdom perspective and How do you and I keep a kingdom perspective? 

The aim of this communication is to briefly touch on these topics in order to wet your appetite for your further study about this.

Tuesday, May 01, 2018

5 Tips From God's Word for Seeking Wisdom and Direction

It may come as a surprise to you, but, you and I do NOT have all the answers and by design, we need help along the way.

From the time we’re born until we depart, we need help from God and others in one form or another as we'll constantly experience situations, tasks, and circumstances where we'll need God’s wisdom and direction. We'll also need godly counsel from other's in the body of Christ.

It's a lot like going on a road trip and unless you’re a rare individual that basically has a GPS embedded in their brain…you need at least some pre-trip planning. (OK, maybe I read and watch too much SciFi sometimes) :-) Not only what supplies to bring but also a general understanding of what the directions are and what direction you're heading.

I remember the family road trips I went on when I was young, yes, I was young at one point in my life, and we used these things called MAPS… :-) They were paper and folded out so you could see the area you’d be traveling to and through including the roadways you needed. My family and I traveled all over the place with via maps We even went on trips to places like Yellowstone National Park and back as well as many other places.  

I still keep current road maps in my glove box as sometimes technology doesn't work and you still need directions! 

Now-a-days we have GPS technology built into our phones and other devices, but, a wise person stops and considers the directions and asks for directions as needed no matter if they use maps or GPS technology. Even using a GPS you have to look at the route so you understand enough about the route especially for a place you've never been before. 

Life is just like this as we need to continually seek wisdom and direction which in the life of a follower of Christ, always begins and ends with seeking God and His Word. 

With this in mind, I wanted to share the following encouragement and starting point for your further study as you continue to seek God's wisdom and direction.

Friday, March 23, 2018

It's "Time To Make The Donuts."

Read: Genesis 2:15, James 2:14-18, Ephesians 2:10, Colossians 1:9-10, Matthew 5:16, 1 Timothy 6:17-18, Titus 2:6-8, Titus 3:14, and Galatians 6:9 

From the very beginning, God created mankind with a specific purpose and work to do just like we see in Genesis 2:15.

Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Lay ALL of Your Burdens Down!

Read: Matthew 11:28 or 1 Peter 5:7

We read passages like Matthew 11:28 or 1 Peter 5:7 where we're instructed about laying our burdens, anxieties and more, down and then we seem to forget about it or say, "that's nice" and then go about "our" business. 

Then, we run into an issue, trial or something that weighs us down and sometimes instead of turning directly to The Lord Who is our strength, we try to carry the burdens on our own. H
ow's that working out for you and I? Not very good...speaking on behalf of "a friend" of course. :-)

It's like we take scripture sometimes as if it's a passing phrase like a well meaning greeting card or something but it's much more than this as it's the very Word of God!

We are not to nor were we ever supposed to carry our burdens on our own. We cannot handle the vast weight nor should we because that's not our job...Jesus is our strength and can carry them's no wonder He instructs us to give all our burdens to Him!?

So, the question is...will you and I continue to be miserable, stressed out and more trying to carry too heavy a load or will you and I listen to The Savior's word of grace, truth and love and actually lay ALL of our burdens down?

I pray that we lay ALL of them Down not just some of them Down, in Jesus name, amen.

Lay ALL of your burdens down friend! 

Blessings in Christ,
Your Brother and Servant,

Randolph Koch

P.S. Do you have a friend who is struggling under the weight of burdens? Encourage them to lay their burdens down...give them all to Jesus! Please pass on this encouragement to someone today! 

Monday, December 18, 2017

Recapturing The Awe and Wonder of Christmas!

Read: Luke 2:1-38, Matthew 18:2-4


It's supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year or so the songs say and for some it truly is while for's a very hard time of year for various reasons.

Christmas for children can often be sort of a "magical" time filled with fun, awe, wonder and excitement. If you're an adult reading this right now, you may remember those times of life and maybe you've lost that sense of childlike faith, awe and wonder?

The truth is that kids don't tend to over-complicate things like adults do sometimes. 
They don't run everything through "adult filters" whereas we've let many things cloud our vision when it comes to celebrating things such as celebrating the birth of our Savior. Even knowing the truth regarding the true meaning of Christmas from God's Word, we can allow the things of life and even some of the trappings of the season to distract us and steal some of the joy we used to have. 

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Not My Will, But Yours Be Done!

Read: Romans 12:2, Jeremiah 29:11, Hebrews 13:20-21, James 4:17, James 1:5, Proverbs 3:5-6, Matthew 6:5-15, Hebrews 10:36, Psalm 119:105

Do you ever find yourself speeding along with "your" plans and then you get down the road a ways and realize you haven't started right by consulting the Lord first? You're not alone! 
Then we wonder why we keep facing road block after road block?!

Do we really expect God to bless what we don't include Him in? 

Too many people want God to bless their plans without consideration of whether or not it's His will in the first place!

Let me encourage you to start first with seeking God's will and Word as you plan your plans. It will be a much better starting point if you do because guess what, God knows what He's doing and He has a purpose, will and plan for you already! 

Start with Him and make sure that you don't repeat the huge mistake of consulting Him as an afterthought. 

Remind yourself, "Not my will, but yours be done!" 

As for me, I literally have to remind myself of the very same thing often by speaking these words. 

Let's pray for one another that we will seek to do His will at all times and not our own! 

In Christ Alone,


P.S. For further edification, here's a practical article on How To Know God's Will:

#foodforthought #hiswillbedone #GodIsGood #faith #hope #truth #wisdom #life #encourage #encouragement #inspire #inspiration #inspirational #inspirationalquotes #quote #quotes #christian #Christianity #christfollower #bible #scripture #Godsword #heart #mind #soul #strength #ashepherdsheart 

Monday, April 10, 2017

Stay Close To The Good Shepherd

Read: John 10:1-18 

Sheep are essentially helpless and as domesticated animals go, sheep are honestly pretty much the most helpless. 

For instance, sheep can spend their entire day grazing in the pasture, going from place to place, never looking up causing them to often become lost. 

In contrast, if you have a cat or dog that gets out of the house, what do they typically do? (besides run around) They typically eventually try to find their way home.

Sheep on the other hand don’t have this instinct like other animals do. They are totally incapable of finding their way to their sheep pen / fold even when it is in plain sight.

Sheep are also very susceptible to injury and cannot defend themselves against predators such as wolves. In ancient times and even today, wolves were/are the main predators of flocks of sheep. 

Another interesting fact is that if different flocks of sheep somehow get mixed together at a watering hole or somewhere, the only way to separate the flock would be for a shepherd to call out to his sheep. Then, even as helpless and inattentive they are as animals, they would hear and recognize the shepherd's voice and follow him out amongst the other flocks. 

The sheep knew the voice of the shepherd and the shepherd knew his sheep. 

The shepherd was their safety and a true shepherd would go to great lengths to protect them when faced with danger, even giving their lives for the sake of the flock. 

Shepherds were the providers, guides and protectors of the sheep and the sheep were completely dependent on the shepherd. 

Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Reject Perfection...Strive for Holiness Instead!

Read:  1 Peter 1:14-16, Hebrews 12:14, 2 Peter 3:18, 1 Corinthians 12:12, Romans 12:4

There is often a spirit of perfection that has influenced and infiltrated The Church today whether in the area of appearance, who is up front on a given Sunday (allowed to be there), in the area of worship etc.  

This may have also infiltrated our regular day-to-day existence at times as we try to achieve a standard that's not attainable.

Maybe you've experienced this too? 

Saturday, October 08, 2016

You're Not A Waste Of Time!

You may feel like God is too busy for you or that you've lived so a horrible life that He thinks you're a waste of time. 

With The Lord, there's Never a lost cause or a waste of time. 

He's not like the imperfect human beings you experience in your life who are conditional in their love and care for you! 

He's full of grace, love and truth for you. He's, there for you and loves you unconditionally so why not abide in Him and seek Him with all that is within you (heart, mind, soul and strength) each day!? 

What are you waiting for? He's constantly trying to draw you to Himself so why not listen to Him?

Blessings in Christ, 


#saturday #foodforthought #ashepherdsheart #grace #truth #love #faith #hope #trust #wisdom #truth #life #Godisgood #GodLovesYou #Christianity #ChristFollower #Christian #encourage #encouragement #inspire #inspiration #inspirational #inspirationalquotes #quote #quotes 

Need your prayers!

Appreciate your prayers for my audio/video venture! Find more information about it here and please pray for me! Only asking for prayers here but this link has information about the projects I'm trying to do. Thanks!!/Audio-Video-Venture/p/53206936/category=0

Thursday, September 22, 2016

You Are Worthy! Part 2

Dear Friend,

I decide to post a second version with links to alternative placed to listen to the 1 minute audio. 

Also, for the hearing impaired, I'm posting the words below that are basically a transcript of the audio message with hopes you are encouraged by what is communicated! 

Know your worth! You are worthy and worth it! 

Please listen to this brief audio message. (1 minute in length)


You Are Worthy!...

Let me tell you something that I suspect you haven't been told lately or maybe not at all. 
So, maybe you don't know it or believe it right now but you're highly valuable, very capable, of great worth and an awesome person! 

No matter who tries to hold you back from what you're supposed to be doing, no matter who tries to put you down, no matter your current circumstances, no matter the lies you start to believe about yourself, or others tell you about yourself (co-workers, friends, family, kids, neighbors, etc) or you tell have to know your worth! 

Don't believe the lies or settle for other people's limited opinion of you! 

Know your worth for who you are and for all you are and all you are growing to become! This life is a journey and we're all a work in progress so remember these things in the good and bad times because you are worth it friend! 

You are worth it and worthy!

If you are encouraged by this message, Please share this with others! Encourage and help build them up! 

In Christ Alone,


Wednesday, September 21, 2016

You Are Worthy!

Know your worth! 

You are worthy and worth it! 

Please listen to this brief audio message (1 minute long) as follows:

You are worthy my friend!

In Christ Alone,


P.S. If you're viewing this post via e-Mail, you'll have to visit the post via in order to hear the message inserted in the post. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

This Is Not The End!

To say that life is hard sometimes is truly an understatement and I think you'd agree!?

We go through so many things and we feel broken sometimes because of a multitude of things such as: 

Relationship issues including break ups with friendship or someone you're dating. Or, if you're married or been married, somehting worse...divorce. 

-Financial issues. Slander. 

-Misunderstandings and miscommunications

-Emotional and mental issues. 

-Issues of self-doubt, self-worth and self-esteem.

-Health issues. Job losses and much more!

Life is hard and honestly...we forget that we were never promised that life will be easy or trouble free. (See John 16:33) If you've bought into the idea of a trouble free life then you're obviously in for a rude awakening anytime something goes wrong. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Stop Majoring In Things That Are Minor

So often we get caught up in or fixated on little issues.  

We stress out, lose sleep over and occupy our thoughts with things that are sometimes, while they seem important at the time, they're truly not worth the efforts we seem to place on them because they are minor issues. 

Like the old saying goes, "Don't make a mountain out of a mole hill."... Let's focus on the major things instead of worrying about the minor things and in all things, whether major or minor, let's submit them fully to the Lord as He never intended for us to worry about anything, rather, we're to cast all anxiety, worry etc upon Him because He cares about you / us. (see passages such as: 
1 Peter 5:7 and Psalm 55:22)

We know that each day has enough trouble of its own so let's stop borrowing trouble where there often is none.  (see Matthew 6:25-34)

Let's start majoring in the majors but at the same time...leave the minors and majors in God's strong hands because we need His help in all things. 

In Christ Alone,


Share this encouragement with someone today: "It's time to stop majoring in things that are minor." #ashepherdsheart

Friday, April 08, 2016


Here's a Friday humor post about excuses - that may make you pause and evaluate things sometime. :-) 

Everybody has a good excuse for not attending church. 

If you take those excuses and apply them to other things we do (or don't do), like eating, they might look like this list:

1. I was forced to eat as a child.
2. People who eat all the time are hypocrites; they aren't really hungry.
3. There are so many different kinds of food, I can't decide what to eat.
4. I used to eat, but I got bored and stopped.
5. I only eat on special occasions, like Christmas and Easter.
6. None of my friends will eat with me.
7. I'll start eating when I get older.
8. I don't really have time to eat.
9. I don't believe that eating does anybody any good.It's just a crutch.
10. Restaurants and grocery stores are only after your money.

All humor aside, there are reasons the Lord wants us to come together as the Body of Christ. 

I encourage you to read and study your Bible to discover what the reasons are,  what your roll is as part of the Body of Christ and the Body of Christ's roll in your life. All important and vital to your walk with The Lord! 


Hebrews 10:25

le emo Hebrews 10:25

Friday, March 18, 2016

Will the Real St. Patrick Please stand up?

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Even if you’re not a wee bit Irish, there is a lot we can learn from the life of St. Patrick. There are a lot of legends/myths about Him but it’s good to separate fact from fiction and today I’m posting a few links to articles about his life which you’ll find below. Also, if you ever have an opportunity to watch an hour long docudrama about his life that was narrated by Liam Neeson, I’d highly recommend it. I believe it was simply called, "Patrick". I'm sure you'll be able to locate it via your favorite search engine.

While I agree that St. Patrick's life is one to celebrate and it's OK to have some fun in celebrating, St. Patrick's Day is not about hitting the pubs, shamrocks and the "Luck of the Irish" like many make it. His life was far more significant to the faith community and in the history of Ireland in comparison to these temporal things. 

After a brief glimpse into the life of St. Patrick you'll see some great reminders and examples regarding God's grace. 

One of those lessons I see is that we need to allow God to use and direct our path no matter what the circumstances and no matter if what we're going through makes sense or not. God is more than able to take someone out of slavery, (like Patrick) or any dire situation and use them for His glory in proclaiming His message. 

St. Patrick wasn't even from Ireland but God used him there to bring His message to the Emerald Island and because of this - many came to a saving grace thanks to God!

Here’s a selection of articles for your edification:

Lastly, I wanted to leave you with an Old Irish Blessing:

"May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back."

"May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields."

"And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand."

                                ~An Old Irish Blessing

Have an excellent day!

Many Blessing in Christ,


#stpatricksday #stpatrick #faith #hope #wisdom #life #liveforGod #freedom #Christian #ChristIsAll #ashepherdsheart

Monday, March 07, 2016

A Prayer for New Mercies and New Beginnings - Monday, March 7, 2016

Read: Lamentations 3:22-23 and 2 Corinthians 5:17

Heavenly Father,

Your Word reminds us that Your Love Never Ceases, Your Mercies never come to an end, Your mercies are new every morning and your faithfulness is great. 

It's hard to remember this when we feel like we're struggling or are hurting. 

It's hard to experience this when we are in the midst of a tough season, feel unloved, forsaken and completely hopeless which is the unfortunate truth sometimes due to the circumstances of life.

Life is hard sometimes and You are always right there with us!

May You daily help us see, experience, and know your mercies are truly new every morning as you give us life each day to live for you!

When we're struggling, maybe hurting because someone who loved us left or a friend or loved one was unloving or unkind - please help us to see that Your love is still evident and it never ends no matter how we may feel.

When we're feeling hopeless, please be our us break the thought patterns we're stuck in because of the circumstances we're facing so our vision can clearly see You are our only true hope!

Your Word also reminds us that in Christ, We are new creations and the old has past away and new things have come!

Because of this we can rise and experience a new beginning each day. A fresh start...with the past behind us. Not that we won't face consequences of our sin and or mistakes but none-the-less You give us each day to dust ourselves off and begin anew! 

May You help us see and live out the truth that in You, we are new creations and You've given us a new beginning...a new lease on life. 

As we rise and take in the air You've given us to breathe, may we see that moment, that day, as gift from You. May we see that You love us and have a purpose for us here on earth to live out for you.

No matter what we're going through, may You stir our hearts so we might begin again. 

Help us to actually live our lives in such a way that people see the new life You've given us!

Helps to live as if we're truly alive seeking to make every moment count!

Please help us to wrap our minds around the truth of your Word as we awake and strive to live out each day for your Kingdom and Glory. 

Please show the evil one and his demons the door because our lives are Your dwelling place and there's no room for him in Your house! May his influence diminish daily as we abide in You and Your Word as darkness and light cannot coexist.

I praise You and thank You.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen. 

Your Brother and Servant in Christ, 

Randolph Koch 

P.S. Share this with someone today: 
"The past is the past. Your history is now and always will be HIStory as He's always known the beginning and end of your story!" -Randolph Koch