Dear Friend,
I typically post a communication once a week via and and if you follow A Shepherd's Heart on Social Media, you already know that I post a brief thought pretty much everyday.
Here are five reflections for this passion week.
Four of these have been shared via my Instagram, Facebook, and other other Social Media Platforms. However, since you have visited the web site or are subscribed to our free e-Mail communications, you are receiving day five (Friday) of the reflections first...before it's posted anywhere else!
I pray that these brief Passion Week Reflections will encourage and challenge you in your faith as you prepare you heart, mind, and soul for your Good Friday remembrance and then your Resurrection Celebration!
Because He Lives,
Your Brother and Servant,
Randolph Koch
Read: Isaiah 53:5
It's Good Friday and it's a day of deep contemplative reflection as we remember what Jesus endured for us.
As Isaiah reminds us...
He was pierced for our transgressions.
He was crushed for our iniquities.
He died for all of our sins past, present, and future!
All of this so we can have peace with God through His free gift of salvation, because, by His wounds we are healed!
If you've received His free gift of salvation, you are no longer spiritually separated from God because of your sin.
You are no longer spiritually corrupt, broken, and bankrupt because through His sacrifice - you are healed!
He willingly laid-down His life so you can have life in Him.
No matter how our bodies age and feel like they're literally or figuratively falling apart, we should also look forward to the day when we will experience the joy of our salvation and ultimate healing when we pass from this life and into His presence in heaven!
Until then, may you serve Him will all that is within you and today, Good Friday, and forever more may you remember His sacrifice for you.
- May you remember what He endured so you can have life!

Read: Matthew 20:28 and Matthew 25:35-40
It's Thursday, the Thursday before Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday and again, I'm moved by the reality of what Jesus came to do and has done for mankind!
Matthew 20:28 summarizes for us the mission He came to fulfill...He came to serve and give His life as the ransom payment for you and I!
He was payment for the wages of sin which is death by giving His life for YOU! Why? So that you might have life in Him if you receive His free gift of salvation!
I pray that these truths from God's Word blow you away and sink deeply into your hear, mind, and soul!
Again, What a Savior Jesus Is! He came to serve and not be serve!
May we seek to be like Him as we seek to serve Him and others!
Read Matthew 20:28 and Matthew 25:35-40 and ask yourself:
What can I do to sacrificially serve Him and others?
What can I do to make His name great proclaiming Him to the world?
What can I do to shine His light more in all we do?
What do I need to change in order to live my life more for Him in service to Him and others?
Read: John 3:16-17
John 3:16 - It's more than just a sign at a sporting event, more than some mere platitude to be shared as some might think, this passage is the whole truth of The Gospel regarding why God The Father sent His Son.
Let's break it down like this....
God Loved you and I so much that He knew from eternity past that man would fall and need a way of salvation...through Jesus!
Through Jesus...
He provided a way to fix that was broken!
He provide bridge to fix the separation between God and Man!
He provided The Shepherd Who would find those who are lost but yet can be found in Him!
He provided the cure for your spiritual blindness!
He provided The Pathway that does not lead to destruction!
He provided The Way to complete the transaction through Jesus whose sacrifice served as payment for the wages of sin which is death.
Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life!
God did this for you and is or has drawn you to Himself so if you receive His free gift of salvation, you will have forgiveness and eternal life with Him! Insert your name where it says "World" and I pray you get the profound truths of this passage all the more!
I pray that you have received His free gift and that as you prepare your heart and mind for this weekend's celebration, that you will celebrate and worship Him in spirit and truth this Resurrection Sunday!
Read: Isaiah 25:8
I love the language of this passage in Isaiah. It's powerful and beautiful in it's truth and it points to Jesus!
Jesus is The One Who swallowed up death forever for those who accept His free gift.
Jesus also cares about you and I and will wipe every tear away now as He ministers to and comforts us and He's prepared a way to Heaven where there will no longer be ANY tears!
For those who've received His free gift of salvation, He has also removed our sin / reproach as He died on the cross for our sins!
What a Savior Jesus is! Praise His mighty name!
He is The Reason and The One we celebrate this Easter/Resurrection time and every day!
I pray again, as we prepare our hearts, minds, and plans, may we stay in awe and remember all He did so that we might have life in Him and keep Him in the center of all we do!
Read: Romans 6:23
As we walk day-by-day this week through what we refer to as Passion Week or Holy Week, leading up to Resurrection Sunday, may be never forget why Jesus came in the first place!
May we prepare ourselves as we look to remember Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday! May we never grow complacent in remembering all He did as a free gift to those who would believe and receive it because of the wages of Sin is death and He came to bring life!
As Romans 6:23 reminds us, the wages of sin is death and that's what we deserved.
However, the free gift of God through Jesus' sacrifice is forgiveness and eternal life!
I pray that if you haven't already, that you will receive His free gift of salvation and then you can really celebrate this Resurrection Sunday with the joy of personally knowing The One Who gave His life for you!
I'll be walking through one scripture a day this week to provide an encouraging reminder for us about His sacrifice and victory! Stay tuned for more.